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Court Cuts: Indira Jaising puts it black, white and red, explains menstruation discrimination

The hearing of the case of women’s right to enter Sabarimala temple in Kerala in court No. 4 after 2pm saw some interesting moments, with senior advocate Indira Jaising taking on her male counterparts who opposed women’s entry point blank.

Saying that the temple trust was practising discrimination based on menstruation, she said she would try to explain what the other side was shy of admitting.

Quoth Jaising: What they are saying is that the male devotees have to practice austerity, and abstain from sex for 41 days, and therefore, if women enter, the men would be tempted to indulge in sex, and give up their celibacy, and they can’t resist their temptation. This is what they imply.

Jaising claimed the admission of this implication was a prerequisite to understand the legal arguments.

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