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Good point on Delhi weather, 3 - 4 months are tough, 3 - 4 months of winter are cold (which some people like) and 3 - 4 months, maybe more, are pretty good...
Are there actually any practical alternatives to Citrix in this space to allow relatively secure remote access to a consistent and locked down desktop environment while working from home? From what I understand, Citrix used to be/is ridonkulously slow and cumbersome...
No, never did - I do believe the MA Oxons and Cantabs (as they're called) are widely acknowledged to be quite completely pointless. :)
Hi, thanks for your feedback. We have now featured this on the homepage also.

We are currently rolling out the beta of our new conversations feature, do please let us know feedback and any thoughts...
Thanks for pointing out, typos / figures in the story have been corrected.
Not much new really... (Possibly) final day of hearing of RKL's arguments scheduled for later today (27th November)...
I dont think that's correct, based on my understanding. There was discussion for RKL to reduce his equity and in lieu take topline, but the current deed does not contain this.
Thanks for pointing out, the additional residential address details have also been redacted now.
Yes, that's correct, thanks for explaining. If the facts asserted in a comment appear uncorroborated or have been contested by other commenters or in reports, a comment may get moderated as 'contested'.
Many thanks, that might be helpful. Is there any chance you could upload the full rank list of all the 55,000 candidates' scores from 2019 somewhere and point us to the link?
Hi, regarding the long comment that has not yet been published - please do share more information with us directly at {contactus}, in confidence, as the post contains several potentially sensitive issues.
Thanks for pointing out the error, have issued a correction in the story.
Is this true or a very clever and elaborate trolling attempt? Honest question :)
Thanks for pointing out - INR, not USD, of course. :) Now corrected.