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61. Information Gatekeepers and Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution
(Blog: Technology, Media & Telecommunications)
... the collateral effects of certain kinds of regulation of speech – the ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ case case is a classic illustration of this with its tremendous impact on the liability of all booksellers ...
Created on 14 August 2015
62. Sex Discrimination and the Constitution – V: The Kerala High Court and the Anti-Stereotyping Principle
(Blog: Constitutional Law)
... generally taken not after any consultation with representative bodies of women, but unilaterally by the administrators, most of whom carry with them the hang over of the past, the past of male domination ...
Created on 10 August 2015
63. Debating the NJAC: The Philosophy of Revival (Guest Post)
(Blog: Constitutional Law)
... adjudication and rule of change. Can the judiciary, by resorting to the rule of adjudication, unilaterally effect a change in the law, in the absence of participation from legislature via the rule of change? ...
Created on 27 July 2015
64. Yes to multi-stakeholderism
(Blog: Technology, Media & Telecommunications)
... favouring the ‘multilateral model’ in which national governments make decisions through an equal vote, arguing that this is the most equitable model. This has been consistent with India’s domestic command-control ...
Created on 21 July 2015
65. A judicial caution for Aggregator based E-commerce business like UBER
(Blog: Analysis)
... riders unilaterally. Uber claims a “proprietary interest” in its riders, which further demonstrates that Uber acts as more than a mere passive intermediary between riders and drivers. For instance, ...
Created on 07 July 2015
66. Crowdfunding mantras for start-ups and SMEs
(Blog: Corporate law)
... are typically driven by company valuations, revenue-generation and return-on-investment. However, perceived risks seem to be higher in case of start-ups, owing to – Higher Risk of Default No collaterals ...
Created on 17 June 2015
67. Why India's draft Model Bilateral Investment Treaty is a bit of a misnome
(Blog: Corporate law)
The Draft Model for Indian Bilateral Investment Treaties, which was released by the Government of India last month for comments, forms the basis to negotiate new and existing BITs with other countries. ...
Created on 11 May 2015
68. Global Compact and Corporate Environment Responsibility
(Blog: Analysis)
... in creating multi-national partnerships to conserve the environment. One of the best example of such initiatives are the multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) which have tackled a host of issues ...
Created on 30 March 2015
69. Privacy Freak? Learn to beat Facebook at its own game!
(Blog: Analysis)
... like this page’ to pop in your friends’/relatives’/siblings’ feed. Things get even more interesting from Clause 2(5) onwards where Facebook can unilaterally change its terms and will notify them ...
Created on 07 September 2014
70. Bilateral Investment Treaty: Should Loop Telecom's parent, KHML, worry
(Blog: Analysis)
... the umbrella of the Bilateral Investment Treaty between India and Mauritius (BIT). This BIT was executed between the 2 governments in order to promote and protect investments made by “investors” of either ...
Created on 26 March 2014
71. Winners of NLC LEX SOLLEMNIS 'Bharati Vidhyapeeth New Law College' 16-17 March 201
(Blog: Mooting Premier League)
... The Judges were very inquisitive while speaker 1 was pleading about the bilateral treaty. Respondent (GLC Calicut), Speaker 1 stuttered a little yet he was able to answer when questioned by the panel on ...
Created on 13 March 2013
72. Live Blog from Saturday: GNLU International Moot Court Competition 2013
(Blog: Mooting Premier League)
... toys with high lead content. The Panel is relentless in its questioning, calling it a bilateral issue and calling the dispute a "proxy war" with the anti-social elements using trade as a weapon. 3:54 ...
Created on 07 February 2013
73. 3rd NLIU Juris Corp National Corporate Law Moot Court Competition - Live
(Blog: Student life)
... to hear the economics first.Discussion is going on about unilateral actions and definition of agreements. Judges asks of alternate forums if the decision was not given in the petitioners' favour.15:41RGNUL ...
Created on 26 October 2012
74. Another Person to Pres-N-Indent?
(Blog: News and current affairs)
... But wouldn’t these powers give us a unilateral as well as decisive monitor over the top honchos of the nation who are more often than not brought under the ambit of our corrupt radar and are always proven ...
Created on 14 June 2012
75. It’s Okay To Be Confused
(Blog: Student life)
... good”. Imagine if you would have continued with something you despised and realised that way too late? The repercussions would have been beyond repair. Something which the army refers to as “collateral ...
Created on 12 June 2012
76. I'd rather be an Indian than an Anna or an Arundathi
(Blog: About external articles)
... in our system. If this wasn't enough, the Anna movement is trying to bring in a Third Reich, causing collateral damage to the existing streams via its blitzkrieg. There have been arguments of it being a ...
Created on 29 August 2011
77. BLOWING THE WHISTLE- hard but safe...
(Blog: Uncategorized)
... Project Manager at the National highway Authority of India (NHAI). He discovered and unravelled corruption and wrongdoings in the Golden Quadrilateral Highway Construction Project. The tenders which were ...
Created on 18 May 2011
78. Mooting Premier League Super Sunday: Live blog from Mumbai DM Harish finals & 3 more
(Blog: Mooting Premier League)
... deliver child. Chandrachud not impressed – asks whether there’s a treaty obligation under int law to deliver the child. In the absence of a bilateral treaty, extradition is only applied to crimes, not ...
Created on 13 February 2011
79. Cyberspace-A new front of war
(Blog: General blogging)
... to hostile countries with which we have troubled relations and do not have bilateral treaty. The only solution seems to be is to first identify the critical and vulnerable cyber infrastructure, upgrade ...
Created on 10 December 2010
80. India’s trading arrangements with ASEAN – “Deepening ASEAN-India Alliance” Part I By Hemant K Batra
(Blog: Blawg-osphere)
... India, Japan, Mongolia, New Zealand, Russia, and the European Union. ASEAN Headquarters is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) is an informal multilateral dialogue of 23 members ...
Created on 15 November 2010