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I tried applying to NDA through their online internship form. Took a day to answer it properly. But I have gotten a rejection after waiting for a week. Is it the only way to apply to NDA or is there any other way. Do they take students from third year? Does me not being from a NLU affect their decision. Because I have tried to maintain publications, moots and internships similar to a third year from a NLU. Should I apply for another month?
SLS Pune, Christ Bangalore, NMIMS Mumbai, Llyod Law College in descending order of preferences.

Apart from those you have SLS Noida, USSLS, VIPS only and only if you are from Delhi and because except SLS these colleges allow you to intern after lectures given the timings. So if you choose to take advantage of that like many have.
I wrote a research paper for the first time on Corp Law (Securities Law) and submitted it to NLIU Trilegal Summit because that was the first thing I saw on google accepting submissions. I knew it would be competitive given Trilegal in its name but not that competitive that it will get 160 submissions. So, I am looking for other journals in which I can get published and which are also easier. I know about IndiaCorpLaw and ICCRL, is it easy to get published in them. Are there any other Corp Law Journals by NLUs? and which ones are recommended for a beginner? Please Help
I needed turnitin for a day or two. College doesn't have it, can not buy it individually from the website. Any idea how to get plagiarism checked? Any free alternative or rather paid alternative which does not have institutional model and individuals can subscribe to. Or does turnitin has that feature where I can individually purchase it.
Exactly, imo the only people who do deserve some protection is the ews only that to based on their merit. Like genuinely ews who never had the resources to actually study even basic subjects. But the same should not be as exorbitant as the reservation is currently.
Does it ever give internship to people without reference or contact? I have applied 7-8 months in advance and still no luck. How to get through to these people.
These firms are as toxic as law firms. Comparatively less, but the margin is tiny and not worth it when you look at the pay they give. Tier 1s pay double their CTC, however could prove to be a decent replacement for tier 2s. I don't think they hire legal interns.
Atkt - Allowed to keep term. If you less than 50% of the subjects you are allowed to keep your year. You just have to keep attempting the exams with the previous year batches. Yoh won't recieve your Degree until you clear all your Atkts. A very common system in Mumbai University.
What if I have not done subjects like Economics, Accounting and Maths for a while. Because I do think about an MBA often, but these limitations come to my mind.
If you are genuinely asking this question and not trolling, these are the reasons,

- Earning curve is really good in litigation, even though you start from law. Although not necessary for every litigator but then same is the case with a corp lawyer (especially one not in a tier one). And the efforts you put in are the same.

- Some people don't have very easy access to these firms, and the ones they do have access to pay very little with no growth opportunities.

- Some people would rather work for themselves from the beginning that grinding for a partner.
Hey fellow law students, law professionals, partners and the members of the bar.

It has often happened to me, in a dozen interviews that I have been asked technical questions and have failed to answer them owing to severe nervousness, getting blanked or simply having not learnt the subject or prepared for it.

Can all of us come and create a repository of interviewers favorite technical questions so that we can all get PPOs, Internships, easily. This has happened to me in corporate law interviews especially when I was in my first two years. In my law school corp law is taught in the fourth year, so for any other person out there who for whatever reason needs some quick interview prep or confidence can come here and atleast be prepared for the most favorite ones.

Even googly questions are welcome, questions which you never expected, we can share anecdotes as well. Let us use this reach of Legally India to help the upcoming batches...and also ourselves. You need not write an answer to those questions, just the questions themselves would do. Or, whatever you prefer. We can write down what questions we were asked in the interview. There is no need to mention your firm, your year, your law school. Just maybe the position you are interning for and the questions asked.

Lets make interview preparation a bit easier and convenient.