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I was going to respond to this seeing how warped these statements are, but I don't care enough.

You do you
Exactly bhai, it's either a very salty senior or some person who can't stomach the fact that tier ones still hire from GLC on zero days.
How exactly does it allow multiple hiring mandates to pass over to other law colleges? Can you please explain?
This has to be a person who did not land a single offer and is now just sour! T1s are not the only shit, with a batch size so big so many people have actually done well, so many have landed great jobs at T2s, T1 litigation firms and great inhouse roles.
Again,,, lot of people have landed great jobs on their own accord, placement and GLC have had nothing to do with it, stop posturing and settle with the fact that the committee is not student centric.
yes but glc ,nlu peeps are everywhere and just flexing their contacts to hijack opportunities for other people.
Can confirm this. T2 NLU Batch. It just irritates me to see how some people here claim that there has been overhiring from 2023 batch.
Well I have over-analayzed the situation and wrote a sob story about it .2023 - the rotten egg.Grab ur copy today at just rs .699/- on topmate.
Between the money siphoning MCA and the snakey placement committee GLC really is ideal place for megalomaniacs to thrive ;)