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Bro. Per your issues only 5/100 of the law schools are decent in the country lol because mentorship, guidance, easy placements altogether are only at the disposal of the Top-5 NLUs+Jindal.
Hi! I am looking for opportunities in the said practice area(a). Have been struggling to get opportunities in Tier-1s but would be delighted to join and learn from boutique places. Please help me make a list of such firms.
Please join some university in Delhi, Mumbai or Bangalore. DNLU is the antonym for placements or any sorts of employment for that matter. The 2023 batch had only 4-5 people landing jobs ( although at very good places) but they all did it by themmselves.
Have been applying rigorously to places, even to boutique firms but the scenario seems hopeless. Any insights how to get hired by the end of 2025? I don't have connections in the field.