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have an internship offer from archer and angel, Mumbai office. Any idea about how good the work is, practice areas and general ranking? Thanks in advance
I have seen teams go to competitions being a "mixed team" how do competitions like NALSAR med and NLIU INADR choose which team will get to be a mixed team. How can you use this provision? any insight will be helpful?
I cannot fathom that people will really give up their life outside, their family, their friends, their hobbies, calm morning for money? I have heard how people make so much money in this field but never have time to spend it. Is it really worth it? have you see anyone who does it for te money who thinks its worth it and why? (genuine question)
Hi chichi, Just a question. How big of a bias do UK firms have on top 5 nlus? can a tier 2 nlu person stand the same chance?
I see so many different opinions on law firms in India. How it is exploitative, how the partners are bad, the salary is bad, how people don't like it, how you are a slave. So my simple question is, the people who genuinely stay in this field what are their reason? do they just like the work? they like the intensity? they don't care about life outside work? they want to start their own firm so they fine to invest time being a slave and learn?

tldr- people who like corp law jobs in India, why
I feel this is kinda fair? if your goal is to start your own firm at some point that should be the goal right? learning the market, the game and making connections?