Conservative Union of Law
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While I agree with the argument on charging high fees, I will defend B&B on the last part.

Buz- It is a post grad degree that matters, and then the high fees does not matter. Further, the placement packages are extremely incredible.

Med school- We are restricting ourselves to government owned colleges, and such med schools charge a paltry sum for the kind of stuff they teach and facilitate.

Engineering- Requires lot of equipment etc. for practicals and the high fees is justified.
1. Burke has always valued social stability in society and family structures. He would have written a huge tweet criticising the judiciary intervening in this, like in the Sabarimala (I see people seeking review of this when even in the present case Hindu family values are being dealt with by ill equipped judges)

2. Savarkar- haha, he was a staunch Hindu nationalist and believed to the stars in Hindu family values. He literally endorsed the Manusmriti to govern the Hindus, and would have opposed even the Hindu code bill which was still pretty discriminatory but one step ahead of Manu.

3.Disreali has always endorsed social hierarchies, he would even oppose basic rights for LGBTQ (himself being one, this is to appease fellow conservatives)

4. Thatcher, please don't even get me started. She pioneered a anti-LGBTQ legislation that banned any association with any literary work that even hinted at homosexuality, in schools, libraries etc.

Quoting from a public speech of thatcher-

โ€œChildren who need to be taught to respect traditional moral values are being taught that they have an inalienable right to be gay,โ€ she said. โ€œAll of those children are being cheated of a sound start in life. Yes, cheated.โ€

Finally I would like you to understand hitting at someones intellectual capacity is a fallacy. I may not be a seasoned conservative, but I do read on once in a while.

Also, conservative queer? Please read on what 'oxymoron' means, you qualify for the second syllable of that word.
No, the questions is, why is a large Supreme Court bench (CJI included) dealing with these frivolous petitions, when there are literally so many pending bail matters (Years), constitutionality matters (Electoral bonds, review of Sabarimala, Delhi Govt v. UOI, Marital Rape Exception, WhatsApp Privacy matter {stayed}, Anti conversion laws, Ban on tribunals {especially intellectual property ones}, Judicial vacancies, Pegasus spyware, Uniform Civil code, PMLA judgement review, constitutional rights of OCI/ NRI etc and many more) before the court for so many years.
Please read properly


April 25, 2023

Currently Stock Brokers (SBs)/Clearing Members (CMs)pledge client's funds with Banks which in turn issueBank Guarantees(BGs)to clearing corporations for higher amounts. This implicit leverage exposes the market and especially the client's funds to risks. Pursuant to discussions with various stakeholders, it has been decided to implement the following measures in order to safeguard the interests of the investors: -

a.Beginning May 01, 2023, no new BGs shall be created out of clientsโ€™ funds by SBs/CMs.
Please do not censor this Mod, but โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎ.


This is not "trollish" or homophobic for the following reason-

I argue that the paragraph is not homophobic but rather critiques the OP's perceived lack of expertise on the Supreme Court matter, regardless of their gender identity. The sentence "nor has he hinted at working or researching the same" implies that the OP's gender identity is not the main issue, but rather their lack of involvement or expertise on the topic. Additionally, the use of the phrase "identify as one gender" is simply a factual description of the OP's gender identity and not intended to be dismissive or derogatory.

(Also why am I not being allowed to downvote this? ;( )
so what if there parents are earning 18L or 36L or 1 crore for that matter? Cant their meritorious hardworking children relieve them of the stress of such high payments.
I cant believe someone would come up with this argument.

ABS chooses the top 20 of some NLUs therefore values Merit over anything else.

"usually there will be no OBC/ SC/ ST student in the top 20"- But there could be some, and there have been and ABS doesn't disqualify them, it impartially chooses merit. If an SC student studies hard and reads GK regularly, nothing stops them from coming in the top 20, making them eligible on merit.
I fervently request the Student counsels of law schools to focus on management problems within their college and leave these issues to the Supreme Court and the Senior Counsel involved. I understand that with the adrenaline rush of 20 yr olds to appear woke, you would try to make "representations" but understand that your views will be viewed strictly by your future employers and directly affect your opportunities.
Yes, I have flagged this in individual posts, but the respected moderator seems to consider himself the Lord of liberal media, when in reality people only come here to rant about their creepy/ angry/ predatory bosses and firms.
I've seen various personal attacks, but that's not news to me, heard it enough from the other side. Cant do nothing without valid rebuttals eh.

I'm shocked that you do not see the unique conservatism in Indian tradition, which is quite distinct from the world perhaps the epitome as seen in various parts as well.

Conservatism is distinct in India. It is not muddled with colonial ideology. It is the rich Hindu traditions passed down for millennia.

One of the key tenets of conservatism in India is the importance of family. This is deeply rooted in our family laws, which are presently violated by British liberal ideas. It opposes liberal social policies that undermine the traditional family structure, such as same-sex marriage and easy divorce laws. It also supports policies that promote family values, such as financial incentives for married couples and policies that make it easier for parents to raise children.

Family is seen as a unit of society carrying forward its oneness and tranquility, where everyone collaborates in their own unique ways to maximum happiness. This leads to procreation and proliferation.

Therefore, a couple must not be allowed to divorce easily enough, but only in the most grave manners. Perhaps never. Loosening the law allows people to get married like in Vegas over drinks, get pregnant, abort them, and move aside like nothing happened. People don't see commitment in relationships anymore, they Ghost each other so easily. Physical relationship, is not a thing, it's called having sex, there's no mutual understanding for a "relationship".

Another important factor is festivity and community. Almost all festivals in India involve the society coming together to celebrate a harvest season and share grains amongst them. It was really never about making those memes or sending that one message in the family WhatsApp group. Community was divided based on work profiles so everyone contributed in their own ways. A man's life was divided into four work profiles, so he works his hardest during one period, and then rests in the other. This is a system, a tradition, a norm in society.

This ensured everyone worked equally hard and some don't take away the hardwork of others. This ensured people don't long working hours to health issues. People were actually happy and not sociopaths in the present era. Almost everyone I meet is dead in their eyes, especially in law school. Everyone does something, only if they absolutely have to and not to respect or empathise with others. People don't see following law as a moral duty to society, but keep lawyer contacts to get bail. Ironically, in the west people actually have a moral duty to law.

Don't let the media fool you saying that conservatives are Buddhas who go to temples everyday and wear weird accessories. No it's not, quite the contrary. Its mostly about public morality values of empathy towards the society as a whole.
Useless philosophical world? Just look at the US now, and how the lib democrats are wasting tax payer funds and then raising taxes. Look at Scotland that removed rape sentences for Under 25 year olds and made "rehabilitation" Compulsory. I have been through trials and seen courts closely, and I can swear on my head that no actual rape convict can be "rehabilitated".

Now, in the US, your 12 year old child can legally go to a doctor, get diagnosed with atrophy in a day, and change their gender in an irreversible and mostly regrettable surgery. Similarly, the President can release one order "excusing" millions in student debt, when you see your hardworking parents are working day in and day out to pay that fees for you only to find their taxes are raised by 10% to pay off others debt whose parents are probably wasting their money on booze.Now, a Fentanyl (Poisonous deadly drug) dealer can legally enter the US from Mexico, rape women along the pay, who are now forced to take pills EXPECTING a rape to happen on the journey, and distribute it in schools, and the border patrol/ police cant do ANYTHING about it. You can now be victim to a school shooting, and all everyone talks about is taking away peoples rights to use guns for any purpose (including self defence), but also defunding the police so they cannot enforce action against accused persons.

be thankful you are in a country, where conservatism is the actual tradition passed down from ages. There are norms in the society, there are ethos.

hence however "political" it sounds because of some liberal interest groups hijacking the "wokeness" in their favour, or even the media, It most certainly isn't "USELESS"
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns about the apparent bias against conservative content on this platform. While I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all users, I believe it is equally important to promote free speech and encourage open-minded dialogue, regardless of one's political beliefs.

I have noticed that several conservative posts have been flagged or removed, while liberal posts with similar content have been allowed to remain. This suggests that there may be an inherent bias against conservative voices on this platform. I would respectfully request that you consider being more fair and impartial in your moderation practices, and not continuously flag only conservative posts. I believe that by creating a more balanced and inclusive environment, we can work towards fostering productive and meaningful conversations on important issues, rather than silencing certain perspectives. Thank you for your attention to this matter

As the great philosopher Voltaire once said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Let's strive towards creating a society where all voices are heard and all opinions are respected, even if we don't always see eye to eye.
It's always interesting to see armchair critics who know exactly who should be awarded prestigious medals, without actually being involved in the selection process or knowing the criteria for the award. It's also worth noting that the Jefferson Medal for Law is specifically awarded for achievements in advancing the principles of freedom under law, which Menaka Guruswamy and Arundhati Katju have certainly done through their groundbreaking work in the Indian legal system. Just because there may be other luminaries who fought for LGBTQ rights before the Delhi high court and Supreme Court does not diminish the importance and impact of Guruswamy and Katju's work. So let's celebrate their achievements and recognize the progress they have made, rather than belittling their well-deserved recognition.