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Focus on getting good grades.

Learn footnoting.

If you don't know how to type fast/use MS Word, now is the time to learn asap.

Open Microeconomics by Pindyck.
Can also y'all chill instead of studying tho. After getting in NLS, there wouldnt be anytime to sit back and relax, so rather enjoy your life and study when you do actually get there?
Well listen to the person above if you want to end up setting fire to your college life, fall into depression and end up with constant self doubt.

I am literally in my 3rd year right now, and this feeling of "not belonging" is only a thing of the first semester. If you allow it to persist for long, it will hollow you out.
I don't think there is anything that you need to worry about. I was a XIIth Science student who went on to do law school and fared quite well. it might take a bit of time getting used to the different writing style, but that's not something that's too tough.

in fact I would say that science education gives you some advantages in terms of being able to organise your thoughts in a rational framework.
Can someone please upload nls first trimester modules on a drive link and share it here? I know they change every year but I think the core remains same more or less
Don't listen to this person, exactly opposite of what they said happens in real life.

You are going to feel like everyone's better than you, some are going to be objectively better then you, and there will be a clear dichotomy between amazing and mediocre students as college begins. By the time you reach 2 year, a lot of things will be set in stone. Be afraid, and put your all in from day 1 if you want to shine.
Dw bud, I feel Hella imposter too. But it's fine f**k it, college is the true differentiator, surface knowledge about things can only take you that far. The rest is hardwork and there is no real replacement for that.
Reading DD Basu's Introduction to the Constitution of India should be good enough for you to get a general idea about law in India. Legality by Scott Shapiro is also a good introduction to the more 'intellectual' parts of law.

By the way, why do you recent NLS students (like the guy who apparently left NLS for Jindal), fret so much about joining NLS? When I was seeking admissions to law schools, NLS used to be our dream!

Hope this helps.
Find decent people to be friends with. There are a lot of toxic ones, avoid em. Take tips from seniors you can trust regarding stuff you don't understand and it should be manageable.
coming from a science background doesnt necessarily put you at a disadvantage. Wouldnt put it in terms of survival because it really aint all that dramatic. Every year there are about the same number of science/ commerce/ arts students at NLUs.

If you want to desperately get a head start- you could try to learn macro and micro economics. Some of that stuff is hard to crack when in law school. and maybe intro to sociology- the theory is dense. But you dont have to do any of it. Everyone starts law school in the same place.
Let college start and you will realise that everyone is just a normal 18/19 year old kid.

Don't put your batchmates on pedestals. Some might have a small headstart but as college begins, everyone will more or less be in the same line.
Read the Class 11 & 12 NCERTs of Economics, Political Science, History, and Sociology. Not literature by any standards but it will get you exactly at par with your batchmates from humanities. I studied these for another exam after Boards and I'm a top 10 ranker in a top 5 NLU now.

I would also suggest you browse through the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy page and read any topics which catch your eye. Read up about top philo and jurisprudence thinkers (just Google search and then read about their main ideas - Wikipedia isn't a bad starting point) and key conflicts in legal theory like the Hart-Fuller debate. Also learn about legal schools like realism, originalism, critical legal studies, etc. This will help you get to the level of drop year students who were interested in these or partial drop students who may have studied all these.

Additionally, and this is something I didn't do but really really wish I did, is to get into the habit of reading legal blogs (IndConLawPhil, LAOT, IndiaCorpLaw) on a weekly, if not daily basis. Stay up to date on legal and political issues - follow LiveLaw/Bar&Bench daily. Read reputed magazines like The Economist (get a subscription).

Hope this helps. All the best!
1. You are there for a reason, it's not accidental.

2. Don't doubt yourself or feel intimidated.

3. Keep your head down and study.

Simple things but also easy to miss.

I took CLAT last year in dec and got a top 70 AIR. It came as a pleasant surprise and i felt happy and all but something recently dawned upon me. I had science in class 12 and i prepared for CLAT in the last two months. The paper was pretty easy this time and i got through. However, i am anxious about how i will survive there. Can you recommend me a list of things to do to be better prepared? I am already intimidated by the seemingly "knowledgeable" students and feel like an impostor. Pls don't troll. I need genuine advice. I WANT to work rn and not enjoy at the expense of not learning things. THANKS!!!