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A 4-word comment posted 2 weeks ago was not published.
A 87-word comment posted 2 weeks ago was not published.
NLS grads don't appear at court, the court goes to Nagarbhavi to get the next date of hearing.
When a NLS grad appears in court, the judges draft the plaint and the NLS grad adjourns
NLS is so great that other college kids started a thread to avoid feeling like they missed the ranking in the entrance exam.
NLS kids
would cringe starting such a thread for anyone. All their fights and insecurites are internal.
How bitter we be
That we missed NLS
And it does not miss us

Entrance exam
The Supreme Court regional bench will be established at Nagarbhavi, so that more people from NLS can join the Bar.
NLS is so great that the Beatles borrowed the name of their song from its fest
Are you sure you graduated from NLSIU? You obviously did not detect the sarcasm in this entire thread
The ball in the Triwizard Tournament derives its legitimacy from the annual NLS ball. Except the latter comes down on you like a wrecking ball.
I read somewhere that Gandhi got shot because he didn't graduate from NLS.
I'm not afraid to admit it that I have privilege. If you are visiting this forum and commenting, then so do you. That doesn't invalidate what I said.
You are obsessed enough to have visited this thread and commented here. In a rather poor display of English too, to boot.
NLS students' bicycles drive themselves and still help them stay in shape.
Law School is so great one had to write India in its name - the "National" Law School was not enough, lest other countries started claiming India's greatest national asset as its own.

NLSIU, by virtue of its name, pre-empted WW3.
wow so much jealousy from
people who would have enrolled in nls over their college any day
atleast hide it
makes me value my nls degree more
at nls we are never obssessed with other colleges like this
NLS students don't need a pump to fill air in their bicycle tyre. They do it with their mouth.
When NLS students feel the first pang of monotony on a wintry Monday evening, they go ahead and write Nobel prize winning literature.
Felt like this should be revived again given the monotonous threads on LI rn ;)
NLS has got a monopoly on dreams, reality, and the Matrix. In fact, REM sleep is what happens when NLS students actually frame answers to the questions that next year's NLAT will ask.
Got defined to express the way NLS students feel when they occasionally have to acknowledge that other law universities actually have the temerity to exist on the same plane.
Don't know about others, but the writer definitely dreams about NLS all the time. Else why waste so much creative energy on a non-issue?! Seriously, is nothing happening interesting going on in your life?
Wrong thread. In this one, you are only allowed to explain how NLS defines the top, the bottom, and everything in the middle. Rest are mere footnotes.
A 37-word comment posted 2 years ago was not published.
Don't mention little state law colleges in this thread. Glory glory NLS.
You must enhance your reading skills. We are aggrandizing NLS, not belittling it. It's not whining when we sing paeans of NLS, it's ritualistic prayer. Freedom of worship.
Wait for 2 years. Gnlu is already at 2 and will overtake nls very soon!
stop belittling nls. first of all everyone wanted to go there. I am not even in a lower nlu. they never said they were great. stop creating ruckus here and shut up is incessant whining. we should focus on our own life.
R, you didn't post my question about NLS in which I asked that, does NLS still deserve to be at the top. Please reconsider ❀️
This is one of the craziest thing read. Lol.
I was thinking people will abuse, but it's actually funny and smart.
Nicely written.
I do admit that I did spend a considerable time on that thread proposal on whether to publish it or not or publish with edit or not. Also I no longer understand what fun spirit is. It is still under consideration.

- R
Yo R, I think you should not censor my roast of top 3 NLUs, I think people will take it in a fun spirit
Most relevant post on LI. With the rise of top 3 mafia on LI, this applies to all of them.
You're wrong too. Rajini's hometown is Bengaluru where NLS is located. That explains Rajini and Bengaluru’s fame.
No, he insists that they should be inducted as named partners straightaway.
You are both wrong. Rajini had taken the MBL distance course from NLS. That's how he got the key to his success.
You're wrong. Rajini's hometown is Bengaluru where NLS is located. That explains Rajini's fame.
Heard Suits season 11 is being fired just so that Harvey will insist on hiring people only from NLS.
No, you didn't get the comment. You should go and ask Sudhir for a demo pre-CLAT session for yourself.
I thought it is because their students are so square that they think that a round circle won't be befitting of themselves.
The number of objections to the comments on this thread is so few because in an LI thread about NLS, the gavel of objections behaves like Mjolnir, and only the worthy can lift it.
Not allowed to name any other institute in this hallowed thread. Don't blaspheme.
I’ve heard they also rejected offers from White and Case & Mayer Brown because they found the names racist?
Birbal and Chanakya both aced CLAT in their times and subsequently joined NLS. What a legacy of this university!!
There was no place to drink and party in Nagarbhavi so NLS students established the bar council of india
NLS students rejected multiple PPOs from TTA because they don’t believe in swords and guns but only non violence
NLS students are not getting placed magic circle law firms because they believe in rationale, not magic
Regarding destruction of ancient NLS campus by Mughals, is it true that IIM Bangalore was built on its ruins?

That's why it holds classes for schoolchildren too now, for CLAT prep. Living upto its own name finally after 35 years of formation.
Everybody, please! It's NLSIU not NLS. National Law School of India University. It's so great that it's both a school and a university.
We can't be envious of NLS, because NLS purged the world of all the Sins way back.
NLS got us independence and liberalisation both. That's why the current VC is now trying to get independence from the consortium and liberally taking away student privileges.
NLS is the only university which can make salt lake city even more salty? Cause I can taste salt here
NLS was not born, the alient left in earth as weapon to destroy human.
That's why we are talking about it in a thread apart. In reverential tones, no less!
Use bullet points, no! Would have been fun to add on to each of those then. Of course, it's NLS, so the bullet should be fired first, made next, and then only the gun would come into existence.
I thought the tear-soaked version was what the original Act got amended to.
Who then went ahead and held off Xerxes, shouting, "This is Nagarbhavi!"
Suds K: And you would get more of the glitter only if you do as told.
Yes, just like the union government cites 'scientific' achievements of ancient India.
Is that why the Karnataka government now wants to convert it into a state law school?
Complete agree. A cheap troll post that LI is encouraging by giving it a blue tag. LI feeds off inter-NLU rivalry. The Karnataka HC has itself said that NLSIU is a class apart and other NLUs are state colleges. So where's the question of self hype?
NLS alumni got recruited so much that current students don’t even sit for placements. They just cite alumni achievements
There were 60 students in the NLS batch of 2010. NLS placed 300 students that year.
Kian wanted to censor this conversation. He couldn’t cuz he knew the concept of free speech was invented by an NLS student
A 5-word comment posted 3 years ago was not published.
Once an NLS kid was sad so he took out some pages from a bare act and wiped his tears. The content of those pages was deleted from the original act.
NLS is so great that NLUD automatically became NIRF #2 by simply being the only other NLU to be mentioned in a post about NLS's greatness.
I was expecting a rant but this is one of the best things I have read on this website lol