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Hello Everyone,

This is Sagar Aggarwal. I have completed my B.A.LLB last year and I am looking for a job in a newly incorporated firms in Delhi. Salary expectation are very basic and standard. I just want to learn and gain knowledge. I do not have that much prior experience but I am ready to give mey100%.

The question why I want to join a newly incorporated firm?
Because I would like to work for less pay for someone who are just starting something new and not for someone who are well established and still not ready to pay average salary.

If there are any leads please let me know I'll share me contact details.
Actually it not what you think at first job/internship they were not paying anything and also they did not give any drafting related work that was also fine but the main reason from leaving there was they asked me to do their personal work. At second job the reason for leaving was that I got to know from my other colleagues that they are not gonna give me any legal work as they used to hire lawyers from outside to handle the matter as IBC cases are high stake cases so it was a total waste of time if I continued there. The only thing about this career makes me crazy is working hours I just can not work for 12 hours and from monday to saturday. I find it very hectic. Every law firm asks to work till late and I find it very wrong TBH.
Hi everypne,

I graduated last year. I had no job offer at that time after applying here and there joined a chamber of a lawyers but did not like the work which was offered to me. after that again I applied here and there and got a job offer in a LLP. I was working in Insolvency and bankcruptcy team. But they did not give me work which I expected they were giving me managerial work nothing legal because of that I resigned. Now it's been one month since I am looking for a job. I have no practical experience and want to learn things. Being first gen lawyer and completing LLB from NON-NLU college it is very difficult to find a job.