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Thanks Barely Legal, glad you like it. Legally India pages get optimised for browsing on iphones, Blackberrys, Nokias and most other major mobile phone web browsing devices.
There is a 'like' option on LI - just click the green plus next to the post you like, or minus to unlike...
Thanks for your comment - you are right, it's technically somewhat inaccurate and should read non-Indian law or non-domestic law advice.

Best regards, Kian
Thanks for your comment, it is noted. However, headlines by their very nature always have to condense the facts so they don't become too long. Usually the standfirst paragraph should elaborate on the headline.

Will bear your feedback in mind in future.
Hi Bishen, I agree completely that the number of moots a college participates in should not count towards the rankings.

However, it would be an interesting background statistic so we will try to collect some of this data just for information purposes.
Many thanks for pointing out and we regret the delay in making the correction, which has now been made to the main text. It was an unintentional error that was in part caused by the judgments only having been uploaded in stages at the time.

Best regards,
Thanks for your comment. However, as editor it was my job to take a judgment call weighing the benefits of open discussion vs the risk of rioting, and I think we decided correctly (unless you can find any LI readers who have instigated a riot).

Best regards,
In this context "young upstart" means entrepreneur but we have removed "upstart" out of the headline since it seems to offend so many.
So far only 34 visits from ATL, but in the past we have sometimes had a spike of 900 or so new visitors directly off an ATL link...

Ps: For the avoidance of doubt, we are not really watching associates, only partners!
'Upstart' was supposed to be an interesting way to describe a start-up that has shaken up the Kolkata market quite a bit in a short space of time.

If it is considered offensive we can change it as it was not meant to be.
It is quite a big file of 9MB so it takes a little while to load on even fast connections.
Thanks for your comment - we are just trying to confirm all Rizvi data and should be publishing soon this week.
Only got around to reading it properly just now and I have to say, you've captured it 100%.

Pro bono is actually damn fun and useful, I am surprised that legal clinics like these do not continue in India after law school...
Please try this direct link to the first PDF: (the whitespaces seem to have confused the URL).
Wow, those are great links and information, thank you! I tried in vain looking on the SC website but I guess it must have been buried somewhere out of view.

Those with bandwidth caps, bewarned by the way, the first link is a mammoth 60MB PDF!
Apologies for the delay but I bid your patience please - doing this properly and giving due attention to each post takes its time. We are still waiting for return of one verdict. Hopefully as soon as possible we'll be able to update.

Just to clarify: Someone else appears to have used DisplacedBong's LI account and posted some trolling messages. We have now anonymised those comments and please don't send DisplacedBong hatemail, he/she probably likes NUJS students very much.
No, those aren't our facts so I can't vouch for them. As pointed out in the article, that information is "according to information supplied for a Businessworld magazine survey by the firm".
If you want to discuss whether Moot courts should or not be used to judge the quality of an institution, by all means.

But let's not again start a debate of "my law school is better than yours".
Hi - we removed Tankha in this version because we understand that only 9 teams participated last year, of which many were local Madhya Pradesh teams?

Anyone who has any thoughts, please do share.
Hi LegalPoet, we would aggregate votes for the double-posted Adjusting blog into one.
Hello #3 - just thought I'd let you know that if you prefer reading about international firms, we have a news feed to The Lawyer at the very bottom left of every page that always shows you the latest headlines from the UK, US and international legal market.
Have deleted the duplicate post, thanks.

It explained the asterisks - have clarified slightly. They are all new posts that have not yet been featured in the competition and people may therefore not have read.
FYI, the list of colleges will most likely be published on Monday.

We will of course carry an update as soon as that happens.

Best regards,
You are correct, the wording was not clear. The petition was only about whether the tax authorities had the jurisdiction to charge Vodafone tax in India.