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I understand the rest of the team is currently taking a break but is expected to join soon. Will double check and update if required.
Haha, why would I not like Phoenix?

Thanks for the tip though - we're working through leads at the moment, there are quite a few, should be published soon...
Hi, sorry for the delay and thanks for your comment. Have now published with the last line redacted :)
First off, thank you! Second, I wish I could! Third, send me a pseudonym next time, we can give a hat-tip, if not a byline :)
I have just looked through the draft article Ramanuj refers to above, and have extracted a portion relating to the UGC RTI below (including iPleaders' notes / interpretation on the responses).

I don't know what I'm talking about, but could this be the DSK fellows you're thinking of? Could also have been Trilegal though, am not sure about their history...
That would be my bad. Will add Prem Ayyappa. Sometimes I forget how many founding partners of Trilegal there are... Is he also same the NLS batch as Karan?
Quick note to commenters: if you use ad hominem in your replies, it may take a long time for moderation and not get published. By all means, feel free to engage, but please keep it civil.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is pretty much impossible to know whether that's a real NUJS student or a troll, though it does certainly sound like the letter and best not to respond... :)
Oh no, I'm sorry. :) There's nothing to stop you from posting it here, of course, if you wish...
Not sure, I don't think so... Then again, I'm not a seaman, so what do I know...
No, true fact! :) It's based on members of selection committees we've spoken to over the years, and nearly all of the more candid ones have complained about how bad VC applications have been and how hard it is to choose even one oftentimes.
You're right, not very well... Have done now and fixed some stray words that crept in...
Haha, yes, they seem inclined to copy-paste our limited-time paywall stories as soon as they can. Whenever they do, we generally shorten the time the story goes live but sometimes it lasts. :)
Yes, you are right. NLU Delhi might prove to be an even more popular gig than NLS...
I'm don't think her role would have been LPO, and would likely have included a fair bit of M&A, etc - Thomson Reuters buys other companies, such as the LPO Pangea3, fairly regularly, after all...
I believe directors are generally portrayed by CAM and others (at least externally) as being on par with partners...
F&R is quite a publicity-shy firm, so we're actually not sure when others were promoted to partnership...
Like I said, that's ok and is the intention. Our aim is that subscription is a bonus, not a requirement to reading our stories, so if you're happy to wait, more power to you :)
AZB Mumbai team already included, awaiting others and will update as soon as we get them.
You're right, its full name is QMU of L, but Queen Mary is also a college of the University of London, I think...
You're right, upstart was meant to signify that 3 Crowns was disrupting the status quo of lit, but didn't realise that 'upstart' didn't really have many positive connotations by its standard definition. Have changed the headline. :)