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I have an innovative, unique and one of its kind Ad campaign idea. No one in the history of Advertising has attempted something like this. I want to present it to some agencies. My primary concern is to ensure that no one copies my idea and how to register it or have a foolproof legal protection to it.
The issue isn’t the law but enforcement. If someone copies whatever you have, it’s a huge hassle and expensive to sue. Also, barring a few judges in elite High Courts most are clueless about IP law. You’d have better luck hiring a few local goondas and telling them to beat up whoever steals your ideas.
I can discuss this with you, I am an IP Attorney and can schedule a meet in the office, hopefully can get you a deserving protection
Hey. I have advised on something like this before. Ideas are not copyrightable, their expression is. It will be copyright infringement if they copy something that you made, including any copyrighted (doesnt have to be registered) images, artwork, visuals, script etc that you provided. However, usually pitches only have ideas and roadmaps on how something will be done, including costing, casting etc. Doing it in the same manner will not necessarily amount to copyright infringement. Advertising industry works on trust and an omerta, and also advertising agencies also assume a certain element of risk while giving pitches.
Prior to sharing, enter a NDA. As of now, prepare a detailed concept note and file a copyright application for it.
Ideas are not protected by copyright, only expressions are. Unless an impugned campaign is practically a copy (word for word), it is unlikely it'll be protected. This happens all the time with movie scripts.
Not copyrightable, but our qtiya law firms regularly send cease and desist letters or straightaway sue in such cases and try to bully people. Remember Humans of Bombay? That shameless girl copied the the idea from Humans of NY and then had the audacity to sue someone else who opened a similar page.
Ideas toh thok ke bhaau bikte hain India mein, execution is what matters
start your own agencies and start paying hafta to the ad monopoly, attend parties and speak to the top notch peeps in the industry, dont do pitches
Sign an NDA. It will be covered under confidential Information. There are a lot of cases on this. If you are sharing something with an external agency with the intention that they keep it secret, they are bound to keep it secret. We don't have an express trade secret law in India but confidential information covers it.
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