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A 19-word comment posted 2 months ago was not published.
A 55-word comment posted 2 months ago was not published.
So how come there were such huge protests last time but there's such a lack of enthusiasm this time? Is it because the protests last time were sponsored and egged on by a powerful ecosystem that is now much weaker?
NRC will do that. It already has done so for scores of even Indian Hindus, especially in the NE.
Well, that's what BJP and RSS believe too, since they didn't have role to play in such struggle.
Because they are superior, the sun shines out of their ass and everybody else is a deplorable bigot.
Kitne free ho? Zabardasti protest karani hai? Kaun kaun protest karega ye bhi inhe janna hai...i hope you're still a student and develop a little.
FYI one of the ringleaders of the CAA protest at NUJS (who also cancelled Jadgeep Dhankar) is now working at a law firm advising the Adani Group 😹
Nowadays every youth protester thinks that their non sensical andolan is literally Indian freedom struggle reloaded
Ha ha! LOL. Why is this marked trollish? It's just taking a witty dig at the performative nature of protests in India. The moderator should stop this policing.
I can’t comment about other NLUs, but I guarantee NLSIU, NALSAR and NUJS will protest again, because of a strong left-leaning culture there.
A 43-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.
Padhlo. Protests won't do anything. The worse that may happen is you are targeted and put behind bars. Instead focus on clearing law college and joining the work force. Once you earn well then join as many protests as you want, but don't waste parents money right now
A 94-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.
A 10-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.
A 8-word comment posted 4 months ago was not published.