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I wrote a research paper for the first time on Corp Law (Securities Law) and submitted it to NLIU Trilegal Summit because that was the first thing I saw on google accepting submissions. I knew it would be competitive given Trilegal in its name but not that competitive that it will get 160 submissions. So, I am looking for other journals in which I can get published and which are also easier. I know about IndiaCorpLaw and ICCRL, is it easy to get published in them. Are there any other Corp Law Journals by NLUs? and which ones are recommended for a beginner? Please Help
Not very helpful. You could have perhaps said something contributory, instead of wasting your time writing this. I will learn as I write more papers in the next four years, but I don't want my hard work to go to waste this time. I want to get something tangible out of this activity.
Learn the difference between a journal and a blog as a starting point.
Re-write your question. The whole premise changes, considering you've 'learnt* and what next' and what not. If you don't know something as basic as this, you may want to try publishing in a random 3rd-grade portal. The value it will add to your CV would be similar to the question you've put here.