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Your batchmates are apparently topping the exam, if we infer it from their telegram behaviour.
Being a noojie, I myself admit that ailet is tougher. So his best possible chance is in domicile nujs only and he has decent scores to get in too.
Nujs domicile cutoff soared above 800 in the year 2021 and 2022 as well. Ngl, but the above aspirant has fair chances. Last year was an exception. The above score seems safe for now
Another day another liar. I am crossing 100 and I am getting nlu harvard.
You will get around in between 500 to 600 rank . So will get through easily with domicile
Yes quite possible if you have the WB domicile. There are fair chances.

Congrats for NUJS (hopefully)

Also AILET is not tough, it’s just how well you handle the pressure in analytical reasoning. Good luck!
I don’t think so tbh. 88-90 will be good enough for a tier-1. Bolton tier-1 like NLIu or gnlu. People with domicile will anyway have a big advantage
I did not attempt. I've made amends with what I've got hehe.

But I saw the paper and it was quite easy, 85-90 for a T-2 NLU is my guess.
Clat mentorship program wala bhaiya? He was a fifth year when I was in HNLU. Number one shady guy. All these clat mentors are just leeches anyway. Those who can't do, teach
I am from HNLU from the CMP guy's batch and I won't even trust him with holding my seat in a bus. CLAT toh door ki baat hai.
Sir it’s very easy to say this. AILET is very difficult for us aspirants. We have no clue about this exam.
Y’all just focus on AILET na 😭. NLU-D is a superb place (I mean after NLS hehe, just kidding). It is amazing for people who had a bad day in clat. It honestly doesn’t matter ya.
A good score is a good score, the duration of prep is completely irrelevant and a bogus argument
its an aptitude test. You're not supposed to prepare for years for it. You're also not supposed to pay coaching centres lakhs of rupees... This isn't JEE.
Makes sense tbh. I am glad that you are trying to leave your privileged NLS a** behind and actually making logical points about the scenario.
He got downvoted because of sounding over-smart with the thing about cutoffs, as you mentioned. Not the other way round
Paper was easy- quite easy

Cutoff will be high- why not?

Will it be above 95 for top 3/4- tf r u kidding me?
The paper wasn’t easy. A lot of toppers have made silly mistakes. Y’all are behaving as if the paper was consistently easy. Yes a good number of passages demdands very minimal reasoning, but bruh come on
Great advice but downvoted because the losers who flunked AILET keep denying their shortcomings.
The paper was easy but that doesn’t mean this yesr’s cut off will be sky high. A moderate 95-100 is fine. But that’s it! Stop overreacting like that CMP guy from HNLU