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NLS NALSAR NUJS NLUJ NLUD NLIU GNLU kahi bhi chale jao agar end up corporate main hi karna hai, minor variations in career outcomes from a statistical point of view
A 28-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
You have been saying it long enough without it happening for people to have stopped taking you seriously.
Which part of this comment is trollish? It is based on the comment earlier. Why is NUJS even mentioned in this thread that's about GNLU and NLUD? Do mods get a kick out of ugliness and hatred being paraded in the comments section?
We understand that you are a BJP supporter who hates Bengal and has nothing useful to contribute to any discussion other than the same fantasy. For instance, in a post involving NLUD and GNLU, you bring up NUJS needlessly.
If only more students would have meant better placements, then JGLS would have the best placement in the country. Stop being jealous of other's better performance.
A 3-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
All the way to where? GNLU placement is better and they even have as many Rhodes scholars as NLUD does now.

prospective standing. Who look more poised for growth, NLUD, has a sizeable advantage in its location. Will GNLU be able to outclass that despite its location limitations? I know GIFT city is on the way, however still not as good as expected