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Ayan’s rank was good. Keep on telling y’all Rhodes balanced it out this year which was good enough.
Lol your argument seems fallacious. What else to expect from nuals anyway?
Done! Now go and complete your assignments and try doing it without GPT!
Do we have info on non-law rhodes scholars for India 2024? Please share
In reality, NLS is the only one miles ahead. NLUD, NALSAR and NUJS only differ from each other in terms of resources spent on them by the state government. Faculty and student quality are the same, as are grad outcomes and achievements and research output.
A 7-word comment posted 6 months ago was not published.
may i life long enough to see a corporate oriented fellow bag rhodes

one day
If you lol NUALS despite their Rhodes, then clearly you don't respect the scholarship as much of an achievement either.
Only objective criterion that level. Other students can be equally good, but they are not getting the necessary atmosphere during the next 5 years, so they don't turn into equal or better graduates barring a few exceptions. The numbers prove that over the years.
A 3-word comment posted 6 months ago was not published.
Are we now measuring β€˜best set of students’ from the yardstick of CLAT ?
Nothing to ponder. tier-1 NLU students have a way better research output than that of non-nlu researchers. Simple.
congrats to both of them! However, somebody somewhere in the system must ponder about how these scholarships reinforce shackles of NLU-based elitism and reward the closed-circuit opportunities, that perhaps a non-NLU student, might never have.
There are other universities that have produced similar results, including getting 3 Rhodes scholars in the last 6 years. This does not really reflect on the overall conditions of the university. NLUD is still a really great place to study at though.
Because winning a Rhodes in the last 3 years is not the only criterion for being the best law school to study at. NUALS had won one long back, are you saying that's now the best too?
Rhodes requires other things than just a rank I guess. Other people from GNLU who were Rank 1, 2, 3 had applied but couldnt make it even to the longlist.
May I ask why everyone (including those praising GNLU/NLUD) are still ranking NLSIU as #1??? They haven't won Rhodes for 7 f--cking years in a row and it's possible that it could extend to a decade.
A 12-word comment posted 6 months ago was not published.
A 43-word comment posted 6 months ago was not published.
Legal aid doesn't necessarily mean human rights. Even if it means, it doesn't give anyone any edge. Stop with your jealousy
NLU Delhi is a young university, it's been around for about 15 years and has already produced 3 Rhodes Scholars (that too 3 in 7 years!) They are definitely on the way to the number one spot. Big ups to GNLU as well!
That's not the case for Ayan tho. I guess Rhodes balanced the two profiles well this year. I think they did right. One is academically and mooting-wise brilliant. Another is mesmerizing in philanthropy and I guess mooting too!
Zayaan's percentage is also much lower than what is required for the BCL (not in the top 15)
NLS is the only national law university in genuine terms. Just because we had a bad year, doesn't mean we ain't the best.
NLU Delhi is already in the 3rd position. It may surpass nalsar. Time for GNLU to dethrone both NLUJ and nujs
Gnlu has already surpassed NLUJ! Its a tussle between GNLU-NLUD-NUJS for the 2nd rung.

NLS is 1st rung, Nalsar in between
A 9-word comment posted 6 months ago was not published.
You must be feeling a bit sad no? NLS didn’t win anything and NLU Delhi did? Just kidding.
GNLU's second Rhodes Scholar was not a Kashmiri Muslim. He was from Nagpur. Get your facts checked.
A 16-word comment posted 6 months ago was not published.
Again a Kashmir Muslim person has got from GNLU. 3/3 Rhodes scholar from GNLU have this common denominator