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Even Harvard law school people watch K dramas, just because your mind considers anything eastern inferior example anime, kpop, k dramas, doesn't mean others also have such a narrow view, insecure kid
A 15-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
A 24-word comment posted 5 months ago was not published.
When you were studying, that's what your teachers would have said about their student lives. You are not unique.
No. I did not sign up for any such expectation. Doing my work means doing what I am being evaluated for including my assignments and exam.
Let's start with not sparing the cane when it comes to commentators then. Including you.
A 21-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
The comments here defending students shows that we need to return to traditional values.
they're literally a bunch of 20 year old kids, fucking around and finding out and somehow everyone thinks its their problem. Let them be.
The degree doesn't mention attendance. Why would it? Do you check what a lawyer's attendance record in law school used to be before you give him a case?
A 77-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
I also know that UGC rules require all our teachers to have cleared UGC NET. Don't see Sudhir adhering to the letter or spirit of that law. So why this selective hypocrisy?
What standard? If you can't even set a paper that students who didn't pay attention in class can't clear? How's it fraud, did they teach you that in class? So long as I'm getting the education myself and clearing the exams.
You knew what the rules were before you started yes ? And because you don’t want those rules to apply anymore we all have to put up with you wasting everyone’s time in class ? You’re a child throwing a tantrum - I suggest you get over it fast.
Then do that and don't come to class. You're not allowed to do either in class.
So what? They would still eventually graduate, just a year later. I know very well how students, parents and admin put pressure on the teachers not to hold a student back beyond a point.
When you made adult choices you have to deal with adult consequences tho - no writing to profs all teary eyed about attendance or telling them to give you good grades or you’ll self harm or telling them they are harming mental health. That’s all baby stuff.
A 21-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
sorry bro! Life is not all about academics. If one can't occasionally watch netflix or go out even during college, then you are basically a slave with no knowledge outside the book!
my dude, have you never been to college? this is normal and always has been normal, take a chill pill. They're adults and can definitely decide what is good for them
Nope. Still have to. Since they don't really test merit but connections.
Why? You force me to come to class, teach shit and I still have to pay attention? What kind of fascism is this? If I can crack your exams without attending your lectures, then you are the one who should be penalised for being redundant, not me.
You wont have to approach any of them if you attend classes, know answers, get marks and out perform other applicants with internships/jobs. What wonderful news for you!
Sadly, it's this old gen whom we have to approach for attendance, marks, internships and jobs.
That's for an essential cause. Late night binge watching Netflix is not a good enough reason.
A 17-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
Ew. Cornell ? Must be a lesser ivy. If you fell asleep or watched k dramas where I studied they’d shame you out of the classroom.
Y'all old geezers think it's so original to start saying "this generation sucks" as if every single generation before yours didn't say the exact same thing about the next generation.
I'm an LLM grad from an Ivy and I can assure you that grad students can fall asleep anytime, anywhere. Some of us also did odd jobs on the side and finding a few peers dozing off in early morning or post lunch classes was pretty normalised.
A 8-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
A 9-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
Where has attendance been defined in that way? Academic Regulations?
Please stop making excuses for these students. It's poor discipline and disrespectful to the teacher to sleep or watch movies in class. The attendance of those students should be deducted, because attendance means listening attentively and not just being physically present.
A 34-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
There used to be no student like these once at NLS. Now there are. They don't drop out either, but are instead allowed to graduate. Hence, fall in standards. QED.
A 3-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
Even stooges vetted by Sudhir are better than professors from any other university. He's got a Rhodes and an Infosys and is an acknowledged expert on legal education in the world.
If you can't finish your studies by 11 p.m., then you need to learn better time management.
A 26-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
A 26-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
classes happen between 9 am and 7 pm. Not 24/7. If youre watching K dramas- your mind hasnt just drifted- thats what you planned to do.
The VC himself used to sleep through quite a few, if legends are to be believed.
not everyone in the class can be serious 24 / 7 , only some people can
They dream of Rhodes and Chevening and Cambridge Trust Scholarships. Gotta catch them young!
No, they will buck up before the exams and work hard when necessary.
Let the students have some fun. Don't be a boomer fuddy-duddy. They are all intelligent enough to perform when the time comes. They are in a fine institution and have got all the support that they need to shine.
A 54-word comment posted 7 months ago was not published.
She has good taste, at a time most girls are watching extremely cringe stuff. Give her extra marks, teacher!
No wonder recruitments are suffering. Gen Z of NLSIU is just relying on the goodwill generated by Gen X and Gen Y.
Not to worry. They will fail the subject and get a wake up call. The era of scam courses and grade inflation is done at NLS.
Chill out bro! The ones sleeping were prolly studying till 5am on the previous night! In every institution in the world, u will find at least some students sleeping. It doesn't speak anything about standard of the place!
It's the teacher's fault. Boring teacher or teacher without subject knowledge = bored students. Thankfully Sudhir is hiring good alumni as faculty now.
It is a light-hearted take on students succumbing to the hectic/rigorous schedule of Law School. How exactly does this particular short correlate to β€˜fall in standards’…..?