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Fair enough. I believe it should be up to one's personal preferences. It's not that I had a bad time at KCO Kolkata, but more like not that great of an experience which I had elsewhere.
hahahhaha!!! the accent is too accurate! I work in Calcutta, and although the timings may not be on point, the accent absolutely is!
Your friend seems to be as uneducated as you. In IIT KGP law school, classes actually start as early as at 8:30 a.m. Rest what you tried to 'write' is of course a lie.
That is called good work-life balance that people in other cities keep shouting about
Most states seem to be rife with goons. TMC ones in WB while BJP backed goons in UP.
I heb a phrend who stodied at IIT khorogpur law skul. Hee tails the otter horribol stories of uaark kaalchar in uest Bengal. Offices uon't open before 11, they break for laanch at 12:30. Resume uaark at 3/3:30. Shit down at 4:30. On top of that there are TMC goons everywhere.
A corporate lawyer at a Tier 2 in Delhi here. I find Delhi to be perfectly safe. More importantly, the people here are super friendly, warm and inclusive.
Whereas it is clear from your words and attitude that you do not amount to anything nor ever will, hence you are not even worth a tier. The city is also tired of you. Please leave.
The only bad quality stuff that's difficult to digest here is your whining. Nobody asked you to come here, why don't you just leave? Or did nobody else accept you? One wonders why.
Good, which university is teaching you fraud so early in life? It's alright, a few simple questions during interviews will reveal your lack of learning.
Mumbai and Bangalore are the only places in India which are worthwhile for corporate lawyers. Not mentioning Delhi for obvious reasons.
As per our CV format, we don't have to mention whether the internship is online or not.
Better than the lawless jungle that is UP or a place like Gujarat where children are dying of malnutrition and the education and literacy rates are plummeting.
Online interns don't count. They are all completely useless. In fact, when recruiters see non-COVID online internships on a CV, they avoid that candidate, because it shows that the person is lazy and has not learnt anything during such internship.
Guess they are accustomed to eating bad quality food. Might work at a tier one office but their food habits are still tier 4.
Kolkata hardly has any tier one offices in the first place. Other than SAM and KCO, can't name any more. Even among tier 2, there's only LKS, Argus and Fox.
Same here. This city is not meant for corporate lawyers. I don't get the point of Bengali pride when their state is in eternal decline.
One of the best tier 1 offices in Kolkata. Good work life balance and no toxic partners
As someone who is currently interning online at KCO Kolkata, so happy that I don't have to go to office. Doing it mostly for CV value anyway as I have got better internships confirmed down the line.
Which part of your criticism was constructive exactly? And you as an intern are aware of my identity after being here for a month? Just like your assumptions, your criticism is also without value.
From where do you get your meals? While interning at KolKhaitan, had to starve or eat hella oily food half of the days. Such a stark difference between my Mumbai internships and Kol ones. Waiting for the day when I can leave this city permanently.
From NUJS, got in through individual application along with a reference. Had to sit for the interview though.
It's right next to the Calcutta High Court dude!! The Governor's resident is about 500m away. It's right in the heart of Kolkata. What tf are you saying?
Would love to know how to get to intern in the Corporate team there, like, without contacts.
I am open to interning in the odd months as well, maybe November.

-Final year student here.
KCO Kolkata is located at a very shabby place. Truly regret interning there when I had the opportunity to go for Indus Bangalore. Love my city but Kolkata doesn't make the cut for law.
First graduate and get a job and then start looking down on anybody if you still feel so full of yourself. God, a 3rd year kid passing comments on the quality of work of firm offices without having the slightest clue! Where do you even bring such entitlement from?
Dude, you certainly don't have the necessary industry knowledge to comment on that. You have no idea whatsoever and you have at the most barely got a job offer.
My comment was not on KCo Kolkata but the Chop shilpokari culture prevalent in Bengal.
Only in your dreams. Why comment about the industry when you have got so little idea about it?
Only those who don't have merit whine like that. Both these offices have got a good bunch of people working there on decent deals and good work life balance.
Nope. Hardly some B&F advisory work, nothing other than that. Plus its like Argus Cal, nothing is on merit.