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It's good that they have the guts to speak out about what they actually believe instead of blabbering about what the leftist world believes. UCC is the need of the hour it will be a step toward ending the subjugation of muslim women.
Yes, I agree. NLU grads should not be JNU clones. It’s great that Vidhi is carving out a centre-right space.
Agree with you. Vidhi is right in charting their own path. Many respected think tanks in the US are openly conservative and pro-Republican. Nothing wrong if Vidhi rejects the left and sides with the BJP. Not everything should be subject to wokeism.
“It’s now ok for NLU grads to lean right.”- you talk as if it’s a shame to be right
Gender just laws are not a right wing opinion. Many on Vidhi’s team researching this have and continue to be leftists. They just want gender just laws.
Idk what BJP's policy is on the matter.... sometimes they say they want it implemented nationally and sometime in the states.....bhai itna vague mat rakh policy ki confuse ho jae also gender just laws are needed but I need a draft first.
Breaking the 'liberal consensus'. The sheer rudeness of claiming a 'consensus' and not even being defensive about it. Aren't discussions supposed to be had on merits than on 'consensus'.
There are Muslim men and non-UC hindu females working for Vidhi.
The comments here are full of people who are jealous of Vidhi. Implicit in it is a jealousy of NLSIU.
A 21-word comment posted 8 months ago was not published.