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Do we say Hello, Hi, Hey or Good morning/afternoon?

Should “Ma’am” be used, or is it sexist as it assumes gender? Should we just say the first name, no matter how old the person may be?

Should “Ms Singh” or “Ms Kumar” be said, or is that problematic, because the word is pronounced “Miss” and it also assumes gender? Again, should first names be the rule?

Than handshake, or is that patriarchal? What about a non-touch greeting like namaste, or does that have religion and caste implications? What about hand on heart? Is that the best and safest? And what about a kiss on the cheek? On both cheeks or one?
Thought you had a genuine query but your last few lines make your question sound trollish. Also you can always address someone as ma’am/sir unless they ask you to call them on a name basis or whatever manner. Don’t try to be too woke by going gaga over assuming genders, pronouns and all that bullshit
Most of the times I go for the European kiss on the cheek greeting if it is a female and a handshake if it is a guy. Make sure you dont make it weird while doing the european greeting and never do it on both the cheeks unless you are experienced. I once attempted the maneuver without retracting completely and ended up kissing the lady on the lips, which was awkward.
A 12-word comment posted 9 months ago was not published.