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I know you are a great soul working tirelessly to the infinite bounds of our world’s vast ocean to moderate our comments. I am really not trolling here. But maybe start hiring two or three more moderators? It won’t hurt much to see our comments getting moderated in 4-5 hours instead of waiting a whole long day. I hope you are open to genuine criticism and not mark this trollish as you are doing in majority of threads nowadays.
Yes. Maybe start being more active or just hire an extra. It doesn’t hurt much dude
Been thinking about this for a week straight. Mod do something or else there will be a LI strike which will be rather very nonsensical
Every day in LI is a strike. You anyway don’t get to read comments within hours and the thread material loses relevance instantly :)
Material loses relevance for those who have the attention span of a goldfish. Once every 24 hours for a free site isn't bad at all, given the amount of anon garbage that the moderator must have to filter before allowing the post.
Which would get better if there were more mods...

Never been part of any internet forum/community?
Most of the commentators here, judging from their comments, cannot be relied upon to vet trollish/abusive/defamatory content properly.
Thanks all for your feedback, we appreciate that moderation is an issue. Currently part of the problem is identifying reliable moderators, since moderation is not easy and getting it right anonymously is even harder.

One option that would make moderation easier is to give certain additional posting privileges to logged in accounts (without an email address) and with a good posting history, but that would not necessarily help newbies who are asking for advice, and we're not sure if most of the regulars would be willing to log in anonymously to post?

What do you think?
I think you should choose the latter one for the time being. It will make more sense , for the regulars to log in anonymously. Newbies will still be getting advice, you are cutting some lifeline which turn the arena of giving advice into a blind spot.
Haan. It’s very easy to say this when you are not confused with your choices. Some people here are in genuine need of advice for their careers , colleges , jobs etc. And it’s not like we are asking the mod to deliver the content within minutes. Take time , but at least have a time cutoff of 8-9 hours. This site is slow as hell
Anyone who posts a genuine query can wait for 24 hours for a response. They aren't facing medical emergencies.
The least you could do is respond with LI's stance.

Don't make excuses of funds and privacy concern since the volunteers are ready to share their original identity and work for free (from previous threads).
I bet the moderator will hire any more people. He/she is very possessive about LI
We demand comments getting moderated in few hours instead of waiting decades!
Tell this to Redditors and threads in discord then. Not every freeloader has a lot of time.
I would have had I been on them. If you want to be on those fora, feel free.
If you are looking to hire new mods , then tell us by when you are going to do that. LI is becoming dead like this.
LOL. Majority of comments censored! That tells us all we need to know about the opinion of readers towards the moderator.
WE WILL Fund you? If the moderators are broke. Crowd funding is an option.
Dude is suffering from lack of funds I guess. Maybe we can crowdsource?
A 6-word comment posted 9 months ago was not published.