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The public universities in this country get a score of excellent faculty in many disciplines while paying UGC salary, which is actually higher than what almost 90% of the law firms in India pay. There's no reason for law to be an exception.
1. Because IIULER hasn't started yet.
2. More importantly, they aren't making outrageous claims about how they are the best in the country in every aspect without having the facts to support such claims.
How come LI readers are so hostile and bitter towards Jindal because of the fee but are much softer on IIULER? Because it's a govt institute?
Why will someone pay more than Jindal and go to a college run by Manan Mishra with unknown faculty and no history of placements? At best only those who do not make it to Jindal/Symbi and go to places like Amity, Bennet, KIIT, Munjal and Galgotia may go here.
Heard that they’ll probably also be having an online test instead of an offline one?
They are charging more than Jindal. So might as well go to Jindal in that case!
Why don't you just quit practising? That will help the freshers too. Do your own bit!
no state should have more than three law colleges ! revoke the license of the rest ! there is so much over supply that freshers barely make 2k a month !
To add to what Ash said, they don't even have any faculty yet, nor are they offering Jindal like salary. Same as what other NLUs are offering on the UGC pay scale. Though the location may help to attract someone.
"Many advocates are of the opinion that IIULER will soon over take the NLUs."

Of course, it will. Only the privilege lot will get entry and by virtue of being privileged they will have better opportunities and hence better career.