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Getting a call-back is at the discretion of your mentor and the team you are working with. Ideally, you need to inform your mentor that you are interested in working with the team but that is not the sole criterion as your work would also matter. Your mentor has to submit his feedback in the form which you receive from the HR and which you will have to circulate to your mentors and all the lawyers with whom you have majorly worked with, at the end of your internship. If he/she recommends that you get a call-back, the HR will process it. Mind you, getting a call-back is more or less dependent upon your mentor's feedback, so make sure that you have a good rapport with him/her.
At the end of the internship, you will be asked to share a feedback form with the lawyers you have worked with. It contains an option where the lawyers can recommend you for a call-back internship.
Can anyone please tell how did you get a call back? Did you ask for a call back or was it recommended by the team based on your performance? How is an intern's work at the end of internship assesed? Is there any worksheet where feedback is given? Please answer
Hey, thanks for this, really helpful. Just wanted to ask if getting an email for an updated CV means you'll get the interview or if all/most callback interns get this email?
Hey, thanks for this. Really helpful. Just wanted to ask you if getting the email for updated CV means you'll get an interview? Or do all/most callback interns get this email?
Hi, I am an A0 at Trilegal and received a PPO from them in 2020.

During the last week of my callback, I spoke to the HR in person about the possibility of an interview. They said that I should be prepared for an interview on the last day of my internship. That day the partner was occupied so the interview could not happen. My interview was then scheduled ~3 weeks after the completion of my callback, prior to which they had asked me for an updated CV. So around a month, or a maximum of a month and a half between the callback ending and the first round of the interview being held.
Does getting an email from HR asking for updated CV mean you have landed an interview? Or do all callback interns get this email?
During the callback, you would ideally need to let the mentor or the main associate that you worked with know that you are interested in a long term role with the firm. Nevertheless, they ask for an updated CV a month or two after the callback and then set up the first interview at short notice after another month.
I was asked to do the same after a week my callback internship came to an end. Haven't heard from the HR since.
Were you asked for the CV after your internship was over or before, ie during the orientation etc?
Same doubt here.
I was asked by the HR after my callback to send in my CV. I'll be graduating in a few months and am totally anxious about my future.
Can anyone who had previously received a PPO from Trilegal please explain how the callback to PPO process works?