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Who is amateur and childish - the lady or the firm? Also why is commenting on LinkedIn posts at all childish
I can confirm that all Lexygen salary numbers reported in several posts are correct. You are demonstrating your market ignorance by calling Lexygen's reported numbers "trolling ". Everyone who has any idea at all about law firm compensation trends in India knows that Lexygen pays salaries and bonuses and delivers quality of work which are quite comparable to Tier 1 law firms. You should go back under that rock where you came from instead of making an ass of yourself with such uninformed comments.
Seeing ILNU reminds me of someone in spice route who wrote on their post that she wants the extra Rs. 50 to which the firm even replied something. Very amateur and childish. Figures are definitely fake
Spice route has left lexygen and vertices way behind in terms of trolling on LinkedIn and LI.
Interesting, makes sense. But do you have actual figures of fixed retainers? The LinkedIn post only gives out the total comp figures.
That's true. A simple linkedin search shows that most of their lawyers are 2020-2021 grads.
They have total of 4 SAs as per Linkedin search. Easy to claim 100% bonus payout when that's all you're dealing with. Everyone else is Trainee or A0
Don't trust a firm that publishes highly inflated figures. CAM, SRL and all are bad firms. Only JSA is good cuz of 8% they give (after screwing with Junior Associates position ofc).
A significant part of the number you see is likely part of the variable pay and not the fixed income. Which means it's linked to performance targets - which as mentioned above is ridiculously difficult, so you are almost guaranteed to not get a 100% payout. Therefore these numbers are inflated - they don't portray an accurate picture of what you can realistically earn at the firm.

Also, their post claims that aggregate bonus levels for SA's is 100% for CY21. Two points here:

1. Aggregate means that maybe one SA got a massive payout while the others most likely did not, but in aggregate it adds up to 100%. If you dive even deeper, you'll realize that maybe that one team billed much higher than others - which proves my earlier point. Misleading, right?

2. The firm has 4 SA's. In a team of 40+ fee earners. That's a terrible leverage ratio and adds to the possibility that the bonus numbers are likely highly skewed.
Crazy guy. Numbers are totally inflated. Wonder how prople work with him.
Hmm. Doesn't seem like. Odd. It's showing me there is an embedded image. Let me check.

- R
Word on the street is that these numbers are merely indicative and not completely accurate. The bonuses are shown as highly inflated and it's almost impossible to achieve set targets, so nobody gets the full payout. What's also interesting are the huge differences in pay bands between levels. Can anyone from SRL confirm this, please?

Also, earlier threads on LI suggest that it isn't the best place to work either.
Can someone from SRL confirm if the numbers for real? They seem to beat Tier 1 numbers in the higher bands. Seems too good to be true.
Is it worth going to Spice Route for such amazing salaries?? Also what is meant by Band 1? Why is it not Associate 1