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Are o Tyler Durden shant ho jao.
But I can relate on some aspects with Anon Frank. There is no perspective or larger picture I have, so it is so hard to convince myself to stay at this job.
Interpretation banana hai toh kuch bhi bana lo. Harry Potter was a sad story about escapism - how a boy stuck in a room under the staircase hallucinates about fantasy magical worlds.
Dear R,

Have you ever seen JCB ki khudai. They dig so deep. A gig worth watching.


Perspective requires height, distance, etc., in the visual sense, and time in the legal sense. When you are A>0, perspective will come.

You are standing at the bottom of the mountain and saying I want to see the view from the summit.
What's so wrong with the Indian Army? at least it gives you exposure to everything instead of being subjected to mechanically work on DD's and proofreads. STFU maybe
Your tale of woe for being asked to work a few hours on a weekend is ridiculous! Please quit and find yourself a 9 to 5. This is some indulgent existentialism.
Once advise I would give you is that, you shouldn't do an MBA unless from the top 3 IIMs. The job market is almost frozen right now, and the placements are abysmal.
You will work a lot too after MBA if you end up in Finance/Consulting which most lawyers end up doing , but the work there especially in consulting is a lot more intellectually stimulating unlike a law firm where you will doing some BS paperwork for the rest of your life .
Pls don't paint such a horrid picture of law firm work life. This will scare way too many who will curse themselves for having chosen the profession in the first place. This isn't Indian army for god's sake.
He must have got fired from his so called tier 1....baaki bolna padhta hain
I wonder why this is not trollish! If facts of people are trollish. What's the guarantee of r
R to be honest, the convo here is not even that interesting for it to be your dream job. But that is my opinion, to each their own
Totally agree with the Anne Frank and Holocaust part.

Totally disagree with the Fight Club part. The amount of crazy this world is getting - we'll need to become Tyler Durdens soon.
I don't know who the hell did cam recruit this year. But this person is definitely depressing the rest on LI crying about wfh and office.
The number of people who haven't watched Fight Club on this thread is baffling. No doubt they think their bosses actually own them!
Sorry, had to take this one to the boss. With some edits, hope you understand why.

- R

Out of all the random topics allowed recently, this is the one you choose to censor?