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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is pretty hard to actually self-diagnose in all cases and is perhaps overdiagnosed a lot too by professionals, though it might be possible to tell if you're on the spectrum. Why are you scared?
I am fresher and about to join law firm in dispute. I am already scared reading this. What is ADHD?
A 34-word comment posted 1 year ago was not published.

I am a law grad with adhd who is in dire need of some guidance. Can one of you help? It would be nice to just chat and share my concerns with someone who understands. :)
hey what are you doing after quitting the law firm, did you join any company?
Unless anyone has an ADHD diagnosis, they should go easy self identifying. Thats a medical condition.
Yall just need to be with family who are bonded in a deeply visceral way compared to your colleagues or neighbours in the uptown flat you got.

They help you get your centre back.
Any update on this anonymous group/portal? If yes, I would really appreciate someone sharing the details with me.
Medication is a bit of controversy on whether it works and also it can have long term effects, heard it from someone else.I am not ADHD, just sharing what I heard.
Can we start an ADHD anonymous group/portal sort of thing for lawyers?
I liked Driven to Distraction. On the other thread, someone suggested Scattered Minds
Find inspiration. If you don't find it at your workplace then that's a reality check for you.