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Apply to the firm and then HR ask you to do HK. It is not done directly :|
"Tests" are easy just like their GD. I got acceptance for Bharucha through HK. The process is boring overall and you will have to be incredibly patient. If you have the option, exploiting all the contacts that you may have is a better idea imo.
Just make an account through their website and upload your resume. Yes, you are eligible dw!
HK is not affiliated with Trilegal anymore - as far as I know only JSA uses them as a metric for assessment.
Student sahab/sahiba, first year mein koi firm tumhe ghaas nahi dega. Contacts hain toh shauk se jaao.
Did any gets accepted using Higherknowledge? I completed around 10-15 tasks for different firms, was scored well too but my application was never processed.
Why do you even want to do it? Padhai karo. Even if you do get an opportunity in a Tier 1 through some contact, no one is going to take you seriously. Calm down.
How to apply through higher knowledge tests ? And are 1st year law students eligible?