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Just want to know why 11 people have downvoted this

Have no idea about the book; haven't heard of it. Curious.
I thought the easiest way was to lose anonymity. We could talk on twitter, if that works for you?
(If you want to stay anon, that's cool. Liked your reccos, so thanks for that in any case).
1. Kanga Palkhiwala book on Tax.. (Latest edition is by AP Datar)
2. Phillip Baker commentary on Treaties
3. Claus Vogel Commentary
4. Chaturvedi Pithisaria commentary
5. Sampath Iyengar Commentary
Haha, sure - happy to speak directly. Not sure how we'll do that remaining anon on this forum, though. Any thoughts?

Most of the libgen books in epub or mobi formats work fine on my kindle - I use calibre as my sorting and transferring programme. Very convenient.
Haha thanks!

If you have a Kindle, libgen and book CC are great places to not download all the corporate books I've mentioned.
Love most of your recommendations. Thanks for sharing (someone really needs to bankroll my amazon Wishlist based on your comment)
Eh, it isn't THAT good, tbh. Like, it's alright if you want to know about this guy and brief insights about some cases, but there are much better books out there
Any decent book on Constitutional law. I personally have Prof. JN Pandey's.
Music composed in a play adaptation of the novel was the inspiration for the James Bond theme song.
Is knowledge of tort law necessary for transactional/corporate lawyers?
Courts and their Judgments by Arun Shorie - This book single-handedly changed my entire perspective on the legal system. It breaks the rosy image of SC which you build by reading the judgments and later how divorced it is from its reality. Should be mandatory in law school.
Supreme Whispers by Abhinav Chandrachud. The Transformative Constitution by Gautam Bhatia.
Non-law books that I enjoyed reading:

1) Crime and Punishment
2) The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Roses in December: An Autobiography by Justice M.C. Chagla

Its an excellent book
What could have been an amazing thread has turned into a shit thread due to the morbid humour of some.

Guys, the vaccine is being rolled out to every adult. Cheer up a bit, maybe?
Haha. Extremely funny. Do you want a troll medal or do you already have it on Twitter?
All the books by Henry Cecil. Used to love those. Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister.