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Greetings 🖖 I’m going to keep this real af I’m currently in a tier three NLU and I’m sick of the choices I’ve made in the past weighing down on me because yes I haven’t really made the wisest choices about my future which is why I landed up where I did. I really want to do justice to all the expectations people around me have from me and I feel like I’ve really let myself go, probably because of the discontentment of having to accept that I’m going to have to graduate from a place where I didn’t want to be (I’m so sorry for this rant~esque first post) anyway I need help with getting my life together and tips on how I can land a job in a decent firm (I’ll be entering my second year of law school this august). And yes I’m in it for the money more than anything, I have no will to live so corporate slavery is the way to go 🤣😭