far right Nalsarite
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Charity? Seriously? Even after all the scandals and the thing with Green Peace?

It is a very known fact that the Bill foundation is a PR Scam, money is invested yes, but how much actually goes into the mouths of the starving children in Nigeria or to ensure peace in Israel is never reported for a reason.

Someone talked about paying taxes correctly. Walking in an alley with large mansions of big politicians or bureaucrats, who crack a rote exam and dream of pulling money out of the tax fund, while most of the roads are cracked open and poor quality of services like banks; don't think so.

Well then the most efficient way, and that is what capitalism vouches is investment in business. And not some sham ESG-but-actually-invested-in-big-oil funds. Actual employment generative, increased skill based wages, everyone makes a profit business.

so yeah unless a person actually goes to the hospitals and pays off critical and poor patients, its not money well spend.