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Most of the time anyone who's from one of the ivies or t5 of uk are very good and have reasonable expectations,p

one of the best I think for legal is Nigam Nuggehalli, Salmoli chaudhury is pretty good too currently crim is being taught by both Radhika and Anupama both have been excellent, Atreyee Majumder is one of the profs who taugh
Barely studying? Lol I dont think. You really know what it takes to get such good grades at NLS, I really mean no offence but, it really is a different ballgame brother.
hey I am from a T1 NLU recently I have heard much about how getting placed in a corp law firm is possible only if you are in Top ten of your class, I am more than a stone's throw away from that really, it will take me some more time before I actually can hope to pump my grades up a little, so if it is possible what should I do to make myself more attractive to corp law firms, also what kind of firms should I apply for if I want a PPO?