Terrified GenZ
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I'm stuck as the hiring for the 2023 batch has concluded. I have no offers. I have a few upcoming internships, but since I have already graduated they would view me as 'damaged goods' since I should have been hired by now.

Should I join a senior's chamber, to bide my time and then jump ship from there when firms are hiring again? If I can join a senior's chamber, can someone recommend good seniors who argue competition law matters regularly? And please share details of seniors who are hiring currently
Hi, could you tell us a bit more about this? I am preparing for interviews in competition teams and it will be of great help if you could provide more details.

For instance, what reading material should I consume to know about the forms and when they are filed? what about the tests? I have no clue about interconnected transactions either, how to know more about them?
I have not come across many top competition law partners who do not have an LLM. Is it a must?

I don't have the money for an LLM, and I probably won't ever put 50 Lakh aside for it, even when I have the money. How badly will my career be affected? Is it really that necessary? TT&A, LKS, trilegal, luthra have partners with LLMs.

And the partners that do not have LLMs, used to work with CCI.

Someone please clarify the significance of an LLM
I am looking for A0 roles. But, the word on the market is that hiring has been closed for 2023 batches. I have just written final semester exams a week ago. I have strong internships, decent work experience. But, college is terrible. Not even amity level. I have strong basics and commercial awareness, and I carry myself well. How do I get hired?

I'm looking for competition law teams, but I would settle for dispute teams as well if I cannot make it through to competition teams.

Is it true that if hiring stops in a year, then it gets difficult to be inducted as a fresher anywhere?