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We hear about a lot of shortcomings about the firm. Can we hear some positives from the people actually working with Tri now? Except for the pay of course.
Bump. Please need responses. Will be joining there soon and this forum has got me depressed already
At 5 PM, our pantry becomes a foodie's dream. From (emphasis on free) shawarmas to Chaat, Baos to Burgers, we've got it all. Because at our firm, the overlords believe in fueling both bodies and minds for success.
Good food, awesome retreats, great in office parties and the best pay in this entire world
Not a promoter driven firm, not a firm that’s owned by a particular family, not a a sweat shop, salary better than other T-1’s
Highly meritorious and professional firm. This year's promotions speak for themselves
Succession series like Boar on the floor events at the senior management level.
The few good things that trilegal has are vastly overshadowed by their negatives, with the number one being culture. It has AZB levels of toxicity, enough to make one question the decision of studying law in the first place.
Couldn't help yourself could you? The person started the thread with a purpose, you didnt give a damn. There are plenty of other threads for Trilegal bashing, go and fulfil your petty hatred needs there.
Thanks for this comment. People don't realise that in spite of all the gruelling hours and toxicity, there are people who worked hard and made it there. They need some shimmer of hope that may be, just may be, it will not be just all bad.
Not a place for slackers. Lawyers that have a curiosity bent and strong work ethic thrive in Trilegal. Most meritocratic amongst Tier 1s.
Being offered junk food is not the fuel for your body that you think it is. After 10 years you'll lost your health, sanity and be easily replaced by a younger, naive and willing lawyer.
They provide fruits and salad on a daily basis along with all this.
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