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Agree. Just another toxic tech bro. Should be banned from Twitter outright for his transphobia and homophobia.
Hijras arenโ€™t non binary. Theyโ€™re castrated men and boys. They werenโ€™t born that way.
Exactly what the British said. Please scroll down for links to the history.
The british also said we shouldnt burn women in Sati. Just because the british said something doesnt make it untrue.
yeah they didn't invent that, they enforced it. Their protestant prudishness resulted in gender binaries and criminalizing lgbtq. now go read.
that'd be Foucault not me, Einstein. I thought we were discussing all Indians burning women until the British came and saved us. Did matrilineal societies do that? How exactly without a husband to burn for>
besides the point- if your philosophy can be undone by a quick google search- consider it might be short sighted at best to build your whole world view around it.
Languages grow and change organically. Not by diktat from the newly enlightened woke folx.
The philosophy isn't about the statistics of who is castrated. It is about the people who are not. The 10% in your empirically grounded literally science survey. I have no problem with what it says. It looks like maybe you don't understand it.
If the survey you are quoting says 90% of hijras are castrated men, even assuming that none of this was voluntary, what about the 10%. How did you go from 90% to all?

Or is mathematics also western now?
you have no problem with it? or its disinformation? which one sweetie?
if the philosophy isnt about people who are castrated- why are you bringing up the philosophy in a conversation about people who are castrated?
Plus Bhavish doesn't use their pronouns anywhere publicly, so it is natural for the AI to default to the gender neutral "them".
if its misgendering to call a they/them non binary special soul by sex based pronouns isnt it misgendering to call this dude they? or do you only get to want validation if youre trans?
He hasn't specified his pronouns anywhere. That's exactly why people should put pronouns, to avoid misgendering.
Why would you make such an assumption? I don't know if AIs can look at photos and decide people's Gender. As a short haired woman I would hate to be mistaken for a man. Using pronouns in the profile makes it explicit and avoids any ambiguity.
I clearly said people. Not AI. But i think eventually AI should be able to do it. womens features and faces are just different.
What violence exactly ? I havenโ€™t seen any proof at all that disliking these language games makes anyone violent toward non binary people.
if you dont want to use pronouns speak in Bengali, there are no pronouns or gendered verb
He's just trying to mimic the founder-creates-controversy model and failing hard at it, much like his scooter business and his โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎ app. Founders should spend more time fixing their products and less time fighting teenagers on twitter
If you are hypersensitive about the pronouns used to describe you, then put them up on your profile. Bhavesh Aggarwal and some Trans persons have the same problem.
What is he smoking? Hindi (which he speaks) is a heavily gendered language which has genders and pronouns for everything including inanimate objects. Nothing western about it.
exactly- clearly the language he speaks brooks very little of this gender neutral non binary non sense. But of course he should learn to shed his culture, and rational thinking, and doubt and skepticism, all of that for western ideas like men can be women if they say so.
A 34-word comment posted 2 weeks ago was not published.