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Yes this is fine but why not restart the blogging section like court witness used to post?
Yes please, there shouldn't be a word limit on OPs. And any blog-like comment would get featured and if there's genuine interest we can build out the capacity for that also, such as stickying or a separate section perhaps?
reviving this site will take only one thing- mod improving moderation speed and stopping the biased censorship even in threads where every comment agrees except one questionable one and in a few days, all the comments support the subject.
There's one particular blog post that I miss. And it was a blog post by this one person called Dude Diligence. Whatte post. Alas.
I saw old blog posts written by one called court witness & someone called victory flower etc. though they are quite old they were entertaining, can we restart the blogging section again? Will seriously help in reviving the website