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Maybe we could create an r/lawyersindia, make it a vast and open space with reasonable moderation for all kinds of lawyers across the country
"centrist in ideology"

Your whole personality is being from an NLU. Didn't even think twice to write law students instead of nlu students.
Interestingly r/LegallyIndia is already taken and is a private community.
Best solution is to outsource moderation to a group of NLU students, who are ideally centrist in ideology and against both conservative and woke censorship
A 15-word comment posted 1 month ago was not published.
Exactly. It’s not their job to read everything. The only sustainable way to run a scalable not for profit thing is to let everything be posted and just moderate flagged content (Flagged by a user).
You must cut the mods some slack. Poor devils, I really don't envy them. How they can, day in and day out, read through tonnes and tonnes of absolutely unserious nonsense while still maintaining sanity on her plinth is one of those insoluble mysteries of life.
We need to switch to reddit. Check r/developersindia, techies have made a good community there, even we need to.
more so, i posted one comment about slow moderation pace on LI on another thread and that was marked as trollish by someone! Sad state of affairs
Your sense of entitlement is dripping from every word of your post. Start a new site if you want. Who is stopping you?