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If you retweet with the disclaimer that retweets are not endorsements, then I don’t see how one can be arrested.
Very easily. Whenever the police wants you to. You cannot be convicted of course, but that will come after a lot of harassment.
Are you guys seriously lawyers?

If I tweet a morphed clip of a minister that can cause a riot and claim that its not endorsement just a retweet you think you would be safe?


They seem to have destroyed your common sense totally in your law school
This is an LLM grad from NLU Assam. The topic is a bit clickbaitey because at first glance one will think it’s a BALLB grad from NLU Delhi.
Not an NLU grad? This again? LLMs are NLU grads, understood? Stop your elitism!
A degree from NLU means a NLU grad. If you still doubt this then ask a refund from your beloved NLU and Google what a graduate means.
A 5-word comment posted 3 weeks ago was not published.