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Almost all the ranks mentioned here have got downvotes, but trust NLUD stans to feel victimised.
Lol, stop glorifying sarkari naukris that one gets by rote memorization.
You say I'm objectively wrong. I say you're not objective about the placement scene at our university and hence wrong.
Haha, entirely nonsensical - if you are saying it's easier to crack UPSC than getting a clerical job at a T1 firm, then either you are mad or your T1 firms are. Either way, good riddance.
why so many downvotes on correct info? NLUD hate on this website go crazy lmao
Look at the haters downvote even factual comments. Slap on the faces of those who keep hating on NUJS.
PPO nehi tha meri jaan, internship tha. NUSRL ain't that good for PPOs.
PPO? lmao, it was an internship and that got translated into a job offer barely months back! NUSRL students don't even see the light of day zero and this fella\ow is talking about PPO.
In almost every year, there are several NLUD students who opt for alternate careers after they realise that they cannot land a job through campus placement. That's a fact.
lol the only thing that can save NUSRL from being irrelevant.

Because placement wise, barely 7-8 people got placed in the current lot. That too out of a batch consisting more than 115 students. All tier-2 law firms and only one Khaitan PPO
When I graduated years ago, anyone who wanted a job got one. The people prepping for UPSC were obviously not the dregs of the batch with no options - more likely than not they were people with privilege who did not need to earn too much.
Anyone willingly calling themselves a "product" of xyz university is weird at best. Please do not dehumanise yourself like that boo
Mediocrity solely belongs to trolls who claim big things about NLUD but would never achieve anything of their own.
Nalsar three alumni secured 328, 357 and 384 rank in upsc 2024 result
Why are GNLU people so salty about NLUD.

This Gujrati PR model does not work everywhere.

In fact it ticks off people.

Fun fact I'm not from NLUD
CNLU and NLU lucknow has more students in judicary
Looks like tier 3 students prefer judiciary more
The college will put up a post on LinkedIn in a few days, you can verify the 5 (or 6) people who have qualified. Till then, enjoy marinating in mediocrity and stewing in jealousy (that made you comment it is "patently false").
All the NLUD trolls keep saying 5 or 6 people have made it, but nobody can cite the ranks other than 3. NLUD's love tryst with stats continues.
The fact that this inaccurate comment got four upvotes just shows the NLUD hate on LI. This jealousy is sad.
At least 5 from NLUD that I know of. 5 also got through Delhi judiciary in the last iteration of the exam. Had 5 UPSC selections last year as well.

For years people kept quibbling about why many at NLUD don't sit for placements. You have your answer.
What are the other ranks? If you know three ranks but are saying that six have been selected, then you must know the other three.
College plays no role in civil services. Limit your nlu d'ck measuring to placements and moots
Without any stats to back up your claims, you win the raspberry award for your ranking.
Overall assessment of how NLUs have been doing in UPSC in the past few years:


- Silver: NALSAR, NLUJ

RGNUL Patiala

AIR 65

AIR 332

AIR 800s (From 1 of the old batches,don't know the exact rank)
4 have cleared the exam from GNLU and NLS combined. There are 5 from NLU Delhi alone- one of them being in top 50. That explains the domination
domination because this is not the first time, last year also 5 got selected and you know the history
NLUD got 6 selected in total, including 49, 276, 303 and more. i guess the reason you didn’t include them in the thread was because they’ve been doing it year in-year out 😂
As a PPo holder from a Tier 1 to begin working in few months, I'm suddenly motivated to study for civils. Have people cleared it before with a Tier 1 job earlier? Given that I'll almost start from scratch? Or will CAT be easier to prepare given the corporate bend.
How is this domination compared to the results of the other NLUs mentioned here? Good for sure, even excellent. But by no means anything superior to the results shown by NLS, GNLU etc.
Unreal domination by NLUD indeed. Futhermore, out of the 5 candidates who cleared it, 2 are from the 2023 batch who did it in their first attempt.
We need more NLU grads in the UPSC. They are any day better than the humanities products from JNU, BHU etc who flood the services.
hn tikhe bhai how did law school even contribute to this? this is their personal achievement
NLSIU - been dominating for long, another great year.

GNLU - been killing it in recent years

Other NLUs - Curious to know about NALSAR and NLUD, which have done well in the past. NUJS, of course, has always lagged behind.