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Is it okay to be a narcissist? Studying at a tier one NLU, I have got a bunch of close friends who seem to care a lot about me, but deep down I know that I'll eventually end up as a snake. Although not a diagnosed narcissist, I've shown Machiavellian traits throughout my life. I feel as if there's multiple versions of myself in my head. Some are kind and gentle, while others are nothing short of being outright ruthless.

I'll tell you something in short-- I believe that all interactions done by human beings are transactional. Including the ones that we do out of concern and sympathy, as acting this way makes us feel good about ourselves. It is probably an evolutionary trait that has been exacerbated by natural selection.

Sometimes I have though of therapy. Maybe I am wrong, or maybe the way I perceive the world is indeed right.
Don’t worry, life will take it out from you in time. We all grow up
Raheeso ke chochle. Calm down and get off the internet. It's not that deep and you aren't any special.
Man scrolls. Man sees a classy use of the word CHOCHLE. Man likes. Man resumes scrolling.
Your existence is not of your choice. Thousands factor in coming in this existence. Even the shirt you wear is not made by you . Humanity is interdependent. Even your ideas and consciousness is result of biological evolutionary process with cultural impacts. You are not your own . Your consciousness is the consciousness of Humanity.
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