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We have often talked about retainers here. In fact, it should be one of the most discussed topics. However, how about how much you've been able to save. In my case, I'm around 30, earning close to 25 LPA (with bonus included). I live with my family and am able to save around 70% of my income. This is my estimate. I haven't yet bothered to ration or arrive at exact % of money I save. As of today, I have been able to save around 66 lakhs. My asset allocation would be around 45% in equity. Remaining in FDs which I'm vigorously trying to change asset allocation to 70:30 as I'm growing.

How do you go about your investments? What's your age and how much money you've been able to save? How have you allocated your assets?
21, 30k ish parked in MFs from stipends over the years. Saving it for a good graduation trip xd