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Unlike Western countries, our education system doesn't prioritize economic development. It is still heavily socialistic in nature, which is why so much emphasis is granted on ideals like nationalism and collectivism. We should teach children how to maximize profit margins and make money for themselves.

Before the advent of law firms in India, most lawyers were borderline beggars unless they were born with a silver spoon. Now, that has changed, and there are first generation corporate lawyers like myself who amassed enough wealth on their own account to buy German luxury cars.
1. I don't claim to know how "the world works," and frankly I do not care about loaded comments.

2. There's no such condition. I won't "repay" anything just because someone on LI comments told me to do so. Lakhs of Indians migrate to the West, good luck making everyone repay all subsidies. I have paid way more taxes than whatever subsidies the government has granted me personally.

3. Again, I do not care about 500 years of history. I care about what's happening right now. Countries like Singapore exists, that are economically strong and don't cry victim eternally because of past colonialism.

4. The actions of Indian Army in Kashmir are also quite questionable. I don't trust Jacobin, it is an extreme left source that has endorsed genocidal dictators like Stalin.

5. Modernising the army wouldn't make it less battle ready. I don't get your rant on "DEI" or whatever the fuck it means, but personally I am opposed to any kind of quota-based reservation and believe that merit, and solely merit should be the factor for any kind of selection. I also believe in stringent anti-discrimination policies against women, queer people, etc, something which India lacks.

6. You do you, and I do not care what you do in your life and how you make money, as long you aren't going out of your way to harm anyone. Same applies to me, I have the liberty to take my own life decisions. If you love India so much, feel free to stay here. No one is dragging you out of the country.


I concur with your last paragraph. Now, peace out. 🏳️
I too won't consider myself Indian the moment a better nation grants me citizenship.
The West isn't comprised of shithole countries like Uganda. Africa is still in tatters because many residents there became hardline racists in the name of opposing racism.
India too has a history of caste-based discrimination that's downright dehumanizing.

I have travelled to numerous North American and European countries, maybe your anecdotal accounts are different. I don't care about "countryside," neither in India or abroad, as law firms would not make me live in rural areas.

I don't care about identity imposed on the account on the involuntary grounds of being born in a certain location on Earth.
The average white American is way less bigoted than the average Indian man, who is not only racist/casteist but also very sexist and homophobic. Besides, wages are much higher in the West.
Both regionalism and casteism are very much normalized in urban India. Again, every single country has a "history of racism," which is not something unique to western nations.
I'm not the least bit a "traditional" patriot. I too had thought of joining FFL or the IA. My reasons for joining both are different.

The IA and the Navy because adventure, benefits, pension. Then I realized you wont get pension for a 5 short service commission.

Anyway, i rejected the idea of joining the FFL because the pay is really shit. You're better of as a second last tier worker in India.

I say the pay is shit, because considering the things they make you do, and the places they put you its not worth it. All the while you're a second class soldier and a citizen.

To top all of it. You will be helping France maintain its African colonies. Yes. Colonies. Effectively a lot of West African countries are still de facto (nit De Jure) French colonies. Look up the CAF, and where France keeps those countries' foreign reserves hostage. Also see how France manipulates foreign exchange to extract resources out of countries in Africa at a low rate while at the same time bleeding them. While also at the same time keeping their foreign exchanger reserves and denying the countries the full usage of their resources.

And if any of these countries try to fight back, promptly a coup happens. Similar to what US does in South America very frequently. You'll be the enforcer of this power. And very dispensable.

All that all of us know about the FFL i later realised are what they want us to know. A propoganda. And it doesn't feel like it and very basic becauze they are really trying to attract criminals and lowlifes.

You could try other Foreign Legions or maybe get a healthy hobby.
Go study. Koi movie dekhli and now want to join forces without any idea what it entails. God kids these days
please, bootlicker. better sense of human rights, what nonsense. guess their current day supply chains for industrial production, Francafrique and instability in the Sahel mean nothing to you.
Kamala Harris actively tries to disassociate from her Indian identity.

Sunak is hated and would've never become PM under normal circumstances, Indian or not.

Leo Varadkar - sure. He's biracial though.

"Cope and seethe while Indians rule them" - Too much Instagram, eh?
People hate Rishi Sunak. He would have never become PM under normal circumstances. He wouldn't be voted back either. Second, accountability must still exist as the ramifications of those past actions still continue to play a significant role in today's world. Historic injustices must be acknowledged and actions must be taken to resolve them. They cannot be dismissed as water under the bridge.

Also, France's "mistakes" are not limited to the past. They continue to have a major destabilising effect on the African subcontinent, with France controlling and crippling their economies. Hell, even the instability in African continues that were erstwhile colonies of France, still continue because of the immense influence France holds over them, or because France left the colonies crippled and disjointed after massive exploitation.

Remember what you're standing for. I'm sure you would be the first to denounce Israel for their pounding of Gaza, justifiably so.

This is no less than that. Keep that in mind.
France is not a hostile country to India. So joining the French Legion is not really against India's interest right? After all, Rafale jets which are going to be the backbone of our Air Force fleet come from France only.
They're only VPs and Prezs. in those countries because those populations let them be. And even then, there's resentment about being governed by coloured folks among the majority racists there. That's very different to the enslavement of Indian carried out by the Westerners in our own country. Learn your history. Look what happened to Indian immigrants in Uganda under Idi Amin. All it takes is a spark of action to the anti-immigrant rhetoric for all of you "I want to live in developed country of West" to come scampering back here.
Lol, "least racist countries"? These nations have a history of discrimination that's downright dehumanizing. But this is the problem with Indians. People like you will overlook any indignity and rationalize your position to live in the developed world and you'll claim India is just as racist. And I've travelled to more countries than you have. There is no external discrimination in the urban areas that most of you migrate to, but let's see you go and convince some country-side white folks to accept you as one of them. It's never happening. And don't just generalize this as "patriotism", you're the one desperately trying to leave behind your identity and become someone you're not.
With your same second-rate logic, regionalism or casteism isn't as normalised in urban India either. Perhaps you should go to some of the more rural parts of Europe and see what everyone really thinks of Indians or any black/brown folks. And Europe has a history of racism, they're accepting of you only because you have some economic value for them. You'll never be one of them although Indians like you are try-hards if nothing else. Hats off for your pathetic efforts to ingratiate.
Nah. NRI Indians are Indians in general are sheeit at PR, controlling poverty-porn enthusiasts, lobbying, etc. It's not a small number of loud racists (I.e Wignats) alone. Its even white leftists, white liberals, the Islamic Ummah (that's because of Indian public love towards Isreal), Wumaos, and even Indonesians and other SEA members recently. Only ones left to hate on Indians are certian groups of Non-anglophilic countries.
Asking people whether you are racist is not a method to determine racism lol. Indians don't even have the artificial concept of race. What causes high scores there is colorist misinterpret as racism.

And regarding low rates among NA and WE its a farce, they have the most racism against other counties. Even the concept of race originated from these regions. In offline world they have to put up with the farce of tolerance to avoid being canceled globally
1. I never said I am Tier 1 law student. I wrote - "Clap clap clap. And I am a tier 1 law student." I wrote this in jest as in waah, I am studying in a good law school, but, still have no clue about how the world works.

Ab sarcasm ka sign dikhana parega kya Sheldon ko?

2.I don't have the slightest feelings of attachment to "motherland." - The market rate is whatever JGLS charges it's students. So, please do us a favour and give back Karnataka's and Govt of India's money. Woh toh donate/return nahi karengi aap. Paisa ki baat aa jae toh sab hawabazi nikal jati hai.

3. "If we are to judge nations by similar yardsticks, then India too has its fair share of crimes on its plate" - GPT it and enlighten us which countries have been colonized and exploited in the same way British and French have exploited her colonies, by the Indian military in the last 500y. And if we go on talking about crimes, all militaries have committed crimes.

4. "Besides, it's not that the current-day French Army is actively colonising other nations." -

Har baat pe Tier 1 Tier 1 NLU likhne walo, googlaiya toh liya kijiye kam se kam.

Yeh kya hai -

5. "I don't get your triggered 'anti-SJW' comment about the US military," - I meant no matter how much we try to ape the west, our geopolitical situation is different from them. We cannot put our shield down and invoke DEI measures because we are in an extremely nuclear and hostile environment (unlike the USA which has sleepy Canada and Europe, which has a weak Russia). We have ruthless Pakistanis and Chinese on our throat, hence, we need to be extra vigilant, extra strict and extra battle ready at all times. Varna aapke Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah of NLS ka Drum baj jaega.

How did you not understand this line of argument?

6. "You too will most likely sell your soul to an exploitative law firm to make money." - Nowhere in my long comment have I mentioned that one should not sell their souls to anyone. Selling soul to a corporation which exploits loopholes in taxation, exploits natural resources and destroys livelihood of tribals is something, every "Do no evil" company of the world does.

Yaha pe baat specifically ek foreign military ke liye hathiyar uthane ki ho rahi hai because "I am bored, I need thrill and adventure." Most in their right minds won't do that.


Reading your replies, what I gather is for all answers, you somehow bring - Law firm, law firm into the picture. The world is extremely big than your Lala law firms. Baat ho rahi hai patriotism ki, military ki, AZB, CAM kaha se aa gya ispe? I thought har baat pe bina puche hue (no one asked you if you were in Tier 1, but, you specifically mentioned it), Tier 1 Tier 1 chillane wale, kam se kam argument toh accha dete.

Sawaal hai is CLAT tougher than JEE aapka reply hai Law firm Law firm. (Again this is not a question, this is an example of your non conjoined ulta pulta arguments).


As I earlier stated, don't do anything to help this country. Evade tax, enjoy. Exploit the loopholes. Help yourself. Be selfish. Just don't do anything which in anyway physically hurt people here.
I am from Bihar. Hot bed of everything wrong in India. Casteism, lowest rank in all NITI Aayog SDG indicators, sons born to serve as low class labourers in Bangalore and Mumbai, still people support our Social justice Kings - Lalu and Nitish.

A girl I knew told me Bhaiya I bought a scooty because I wanted to live. It had become difficult for me to ride shared autos. So much sexual harrassment at every point. I even wondered most days whether I will return back home. So, I forced my parents to buy me a scooty so that I can come to coaching. This girl is preparing for BPSC (Bihar State Services).

See, I could have not told you this story. And given gyan on how the Mauryas united India, how the National Emblem is of Ashoka, how he spread Dhamma etc. But, this reality is the truth of today's Bihar.

If this girl tells me, I want to emigrate to USA/Europe because India has failed me, I can understand. If she tells me I will never come back to India and I hate this nation, I can understand. Even if she says, there is an opening in US military and I need to get out of India and earn money even if means doing something against India's interest, I can understand. But, I am 100% sure, never in her head, this idiotic, dumb idea came that I will join the Military of some other country, because, "I am feeling bored and need adventure and thrill., that too living in a comparatively safer city of Bangalore in subsidised Govt. college."

This is my problem. This hatred and indifference which these woke NLU and Ashoka kids develop towards India.

If a labourer from Bihar, with no hopes of any job or help from the Bihar or the Central Govt would have said, I want to get a job in UAE army, I would have still understood. But, look at your societal position.


If such thought are entering your brain, there is something wrong with our education system. The world is a bigger place than your Law firms yar. Har baat pe Law Firm, Law firm. How much tunnel vision people develop I fail to understand.

A 5-word comment posted 1 month ago was not published.
"never be one of them" Indian origin people are literally vice president in the US, PM in the UK, Scotland, Ireland, and formerly Portugal. No one cares about a small number of loud racists, they can cope and seethe while Indians rule them.
Yes, keyword being past. One cannot be held accountable for the crimes of their ancestors. So many Indians have settled in the UK, a country that colonized Indians for 200 years, and now one has become their Prime Minister. Meanwhile, Italian-origin Sonia Gandhi was prevented from being the PM just because of her race. I'd rather care about what's happening presently than the past, and in the modern-day, Western countries have a much better sense of human rights than whatever there is in India.
Identity-based discrimination exists in India as well. Not of the right skin color and caste? You'll certainly face racism. Not a cis-het man? You'll definitely face discrimination throughout your life. As a woman, my life would be easier abroad. To the contrary, surveys have showed North American and West European nations to be among the least racist in the world, while India almost tops the chart. I am sure that it's you who has never been to a developed country, but still decided to drop an angry comment to prove your "patriotism."
I'm a graduate from a T1 NLU, living in Europe rn, this comment is bogus. Yes there is racism against all non-whites including Indians but it isn't as atrocious as you're making it out to be, nor is it normalised or accepted like say casteism or regionalism in India
you dont get quality time with family or SO/ money wasted in rent/ extreme levels of stress.-- bad health
Read up about the (in)famous private military contractor Blackwater (badass imo, see the interviews with Shawn Ryan for context). They have rebranded themselves as Academi now, you can research more about the requirements online.
Also on another note. About a few decades ago when one was in law school, one mooted this exact same idea. I am glad law students still read good books. :-).
Serving in the armed forces of a foreign power without the permission of the President of India is grounds for treason. Please take permission before you do something.
A 24-word comment posted 1 month ago was not published.
In the long run it is better than working for a tier-one law firm like CAM or AZB.
Firstly, I don't have any hatred "for India and her military." But for sure I want to settle in a developed country. In all honesty, I don't have the slightest feelings of attachment to "motherland." Sorry, but my life, my priorities.

Yes, I won't deny that the French army was used for all sorts of immoral conquests, although the keyword being "past." If we are to judge nations by similar yardsticks, then India too has its fair share of crimes on its plate. Besides, it's not that the current-day French Army is actively colonising other nations.

I don't view China and Pakistan in good regards, and I don't get your triggered 'anti-SJW' comment about the US military, when they're undoubtedly the strongest in the world. Maybe social justice and military might can go together, have you considered that?

I am ambivalent to any form of nationalism or patriotism. I care about the well-being of myself and people whom I value over literally anything else. It doesn't mean I would harm anyone to get what I want, but I am always free not to care. Also, so-called Tier-1 law student, try looking up the definition of treason, instead of throwing it around like a buzzword. You're no one to tell me what I deserve or not deserve. You too will most likely sell your soul to an exploitative law firm to make money. We are all free to take our own life decisions.
Just atleast read things one more time and see if your question makes sense no? You cant make sense of such a simple sentence???? is non payment of tax a sign of patriotism? Who will pay that army?

French foreign legion has shit pay. Indian army on a PPP basis pays far more to officers. Best part is you get a very valuable French and EU citizenship.
Thanks for your reply.

I checked the requirements for the Foreign Legion, it's off limit for me as they take in only males.
"But certainly not Indian military." Clap Clap Clap. And I am a Tier 1 NLU student.

Firstly, you can try for Indian territorial Army. You can try for NCC. Short service commission etc. The easiest to get into will be NCC>Territorial army>Short Service commission.

No offence, sharm aata likhne me yeh sab? Literally, what crap is fed into these people. Such hatred for India and her military.

I am no "Siachen pe humare jawan khare hai" in all arguments person. I definitely agree that India can improve a lot in all aspects. From better conditions for women to better infrastructure.

How can anybody in their right minds think of joining any military except of their motherland? UN Peace corps, sure. Par aap kaha likhe UN Peace corps. And I am sure the French army has been used for colonisation in the past. And you want to apply to that?

Dekho, US ki tv show aur pronoun pronoun khel ke reality nahi badal jaegi. Reality is that we alone, not even the US, are in Nuclear neighbourhood. Pak and China both have good enough militaries. Pak economy might be in shit, but their weapons are all imported. Rangers are talented. And China is a superpower.

And both want to destroy us. No matter how much crap you have read against the Army in North East and Kashmir, remember, we are in an extremely hostile neighbourhood.

That only thing which I demand from every Indian, is patriotism. Mat do tax, gaali do desh ko, par agar yeh khyal aa raha hai ki I will join some other country military, then it is treason. And you do not deserve the Karnataka or the Central's govt. subsidy to study.
It sounded like fun until I saw how little they pay. I earn more than their top ranking dude without any actual physical labour. I guess as a student you might look at things differently.
The Foreign Legion's entry requirements are very stringent. If I were in your shoes, I would have considered joining a decent international mercenaries organization that is carrying out operations in Ukraine/Israel. Some of them pay well over 100K USD.

Alternatively, you can consider appearing for JAG. Indian military has its fair share of flaws, but to be serious, I would think twice before relinquishing my citizenship to join a foreign military.
Tier One NLU student. I feel that law is too boring and lacks any form of adventure of thrill. I want to join the military, but certainly not Indian military. Was thinking of applying to the French Foreign Legion, is it a good idea?