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To the OP - I'm so so sorry that you have to go through this. No it's not like this in everyplace, just a rotten few. DM me on insta if you'd like to chat more - benchseller. Hang in there my friend:)
Hey OP! I know it gets pretty rough in law firms. And I’m so sorry you’re having to put up with such behaviour. Just know that if it’s so bad, you think you’ll die, it’s not worth it. Your life is valuable.
I know a court clerk who died because of immense work pressure in a Saket based firm.
A 24-word comment posted 1 month ago was not published.
Not Law firm but recently a IIT- IIM graduate working at McKinsey committed suicide due to work pressure.
Heard about a partner few years back who left us thankfully at 50/51
Have you come across any cases in Indian firms where a person died because of work stress?

Are there teams where shouting and screaming is the norm? I feel suffocated in my team. My boss doesn't mentor or help, just screams after giving vague instructions...