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I have secured a seat at NALSAR through general in CLAT 2024. I didnt clear AILET: secured a rank of 2XX. Due to personal and health reasons my family wishes that I stay in Delhi, by taking admission though the foreign national quota of NLUD, as my family is based in Delhi. I am not a citizen of India. My question is: Will I face any sort of discrimination at NLUD for not having entered the college through a general rank? Are people even aware of each others AILET ranking? If I, for example, were to run for any student association positions and such, would people be less inclined to support me? Are peopel aware of which people in their batch got in through foreign national quota? I'd be eternally grateful if someone from NLUD could answer these. Thank you
If you're not a citizen of India, then how did you sit for CLAT to begin with?
foreign nationals can write clat as a general student thats what everyone does
Dumb comment and even dumber upvoters. Foreign nationals have been studying at NLSIU for years and years.
The only dumbness is your ignorance. NLUs are allowed to take in foreign nationals but not through CLAT. For that, one needs to have an OCI or PIO card.
Wrong. Firstly, people with OCI cards are still foreign nationals. Secondly, foreign nationals can give CLAT through general or whatever applicable category. It is their choice whether to apply through CLAT or through foreign national quotas
To be more precise, the Consortium website mentions that "foreign nationals need not appear for CLAT". That means they may do so if they so choose, or else apply to the NLUs directly through their individual admission process.
Nowadays no one can know another’s AILET rank since it’s only a roll number list. And no, no one cares which category you came through once you get in. It won’t hamper your college life unless you let it become a factor for your self-image.
Foreign Nationals have more clout in college than any top rankers. And in organizing committees, you see more of them than anyone through merit, being rich should never be a worry.
That’s because foreign nationals are the most jobless and don’t want to study. They join these committees for the acad leaves. Don’t paint their wealth as a sign of their reputation. If they’re smart, they’ll be respected but NLUD would be just fine even without their contribution.
Even without yours or anyone else who spams on LI on behalf of the fine institution.
Hi, I'm also a foreign national at NLUD. No discrimination on accounts of me being a fn. You'll be fine.
No the only difference would be the fee you pay. Rest there is no difference/discrimination between AILET clearing people and Foreign National quota people.
As someone who went to NLUD, once you establish your mettle in the first six months, no one will begrudge you your FN status.
Actually, you should even wear an "I'm a Phoren National" T-shirt. That way you'll be more attractive to the opposite gender.
Piyush Goyal's Nephews to hacks from Chandigarh- all purported 'Foreign Nationals' are welcome at NLUD.
Hi, we’ve had some really smart people come in through this category as well. I do not think you’ll face any meaningful discrimination on this count. Hope you recover soon and have a fantastic time at NLUD.