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Thats not true. Partners may be at fault, but you just cant blame them. The Juniors equally participate in this. Please be clear that it’s not a one sided thing.
A 2-word comment posted 2 months ago was not published.
Also, don't forget about the regular soft harassment by these so called Senior Partners. As someone who has faced this, I wish I could openly speak about this.
As someone who is still working in the disputes team, I can vouch that the above comment is true. I won’t be surprised if the partners here throw shoes and slippers on each other in coming days. The Partners here make their juniors fight amongst themselves for reasons best known to themselves.
JSA is not what people outside the firm think it is. The partners and their juniors except a few are a bunch of bullies who make you work like dogs while they chill and party and attend conferences while actually bringing no work. They live in their own world with no or lack of basic knowledge of law. No doubt, a few associates - senior or junior especially in AG’ team are extremely patient and are actually a good bunch to be around considering everyone is sailing in this shit show.