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And youre wasting time here instead of working to earn money and support them.
I am fine with "rich" farmers paying taxes, but that should always be made clear that only those with land above 10 acres or income above a certain threshold will pay taxes.
Only 'honest' lawyers should talk about honest farmers. Not those taking law firm salary and then the presumptive income tax benefit.
A 7-word comment posted 3 months ago was not published.
How about speaking on the other points like withdrawal from WTO & FTAs, Pension without paying taxes, MSP on ALL crops etc ?
Nothing without 'honest' farmers. Not the rich landowners who pose as pseudo-farmers protesting in their BMWs.
you are nothing without farmers, stop talking ill about them, you will be starving everyday without them, it would have been better if your father visited a pharmacy
Yes, the suicides, pesticide poisoning, poverty, hunger, lack of education for children, the whole package deal.
True. Instead of doing MBA and MBBS just do farming and get rich quick.