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How long does the Editorial Team at IndiaCorpLaw generally take to respond to submissions sent for publication at their email? Also, how much time can I expect to have a piece up and running after it's sent? [assuming there's not much feedback and modifications required]
With me it had been 1 week+1 day for reverting with the changes sought+1 week for publication.
ndiaCorpLaw has lost its value. It now functions merely as a repository, where individuals use AI to regurgitate content from new consultation papers or judgments without genuinely analysing. Why do you want to publish there?
True. IndiaCorpLaw is publishing papers with no in-depth analysis and the articles has no substance in it. There is no logical flow in the write-ups and surprisingly many articles has no legal analysis. NLS Business Law Review and IRCCL is publishing better papers in terms of analysis and substance.
Thats true. Recently i was preparing for Interview and wanted to brush up recent judgments on group of companies, corporate criminal liability etc and realized that Indiacorplaw is not good at all. No structure, no in depth analysis, and even totally descriptive.