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In my fourth year of law school, I initially leaned towards corporate law, evidenced by my impressive CV with four Tier 1 internships and various Tier 2 and 3 experiences, including moots and publications. However, with my final year upon me, I've come to realize that the corporate lifestyle doesn't align with my long-term goals. While I have the potential to secure a position through hard work, the demanding corporate environment doesn't seem sustainable for me. I'm now considering a shift towards a settled, albeit less hectic life in a mid-tier city, especially considering the additional benefits available to me in the judiciary. This decision marks a crucial point in my career, and I'm seeking guidance on navigating this significant choice.

Please seniors, give your perspective, I also have similar concerns.
As long as you clearly need ChatGPT to help you write even such basic questions, you won't be able to make a career in any legal field. Pivot to MBA maybe. Good luck!